I seem to keep finding myself getting farther and farther behind on the blog, so my goal for this week is to catch up....and boy, do I have A LOT of that to do. So be prepared....
The morning of the wedding we headed down to Cameo Salon on State St. to get our hair done. It was raining sideways when we got in to the salon, but by the time we left, it was sunny (and hot!)
Enjoying Linds' favorite coffee in Madison--Barriques
Hair--check, makeup next!
Lindsay's makeup artist came to my parents house and did her makeup---she was very talented and I'd love to have her do my makeup someday!
Time to head to the church
Steph and I loading up on protein--Katherine (Rob's sister) had never heard of string cheese and was mesmerized by what Steph and I were doing with our cheese
Since I didn't have my camera with me once we left my parents house, I relied on the professionals to capture the day (quite fitting, I'd say!) So the rest of these pic are from their photos.....beautiful pics! The photographers are a husband/wife team from Madison (now living in the twin cities) and we grew up with him and his siblings, so it was fun to have them there for the wedding and now to reap the benefits of the talented eyes they have.

...the anxiety begins..

Linds and Rob saw each other for the 1st time that day prior to the ceremony, which I usually think isn't as exciting, but Johnny and Michelle were able to do a great job capturing the emotion in that moment as well as during the ceremony.
Bohlman girls

Sadie relished in the 'girl' time spent with us all while we were getting ready

Right before the ceremony was about to begin, each of the bridesmaids as well as the mothers were able to pray over Lindsay as she entered this new role of being a 'wife'.

Possibly the most precious thing I have yet seen.....while we were praying, Sadie walked over to Lindsay and put her head on Lindsay and closed her eyes and prayed with us. I am so thankful for the godly women who Sadie is surrounded by and pray she will have a similar experience when she gets married. It was such a special time for all of us.

Bohlman Family
(this was Blake's only appearance throughout the day, thanks to my AMAZING in-laws who helped out with the kids and watched Blake all day for us. Notice the converse he was wearing, in honor of Linds' love of them)

..still pondering his 'job'...

This pic perfectly captures Wyatt and Sadie's personalities......
This was taken right as they turned to walk in the doorway to the church. Upon seeing everyone, Wyatt is overcome with anxiety and looked back at me, pleading to not have to do this while Sadie greets the 80 pairs of eyes looking in her direction with pure excitement and basking in the attention. If it weren't for them holding hands, we may have lost Wyatt. But Sadie walked right in to the attention and Wyatt, possibly overcome with fear, held on to her hand and did great!

and they're off! I was breathing a huge sigh of relief at this point..

The kids sat with Matt in the front row and did an excellent job!

Sadie joined me for part of the ceremony

..getting antsy but remained quiet....

This is Wyatt on a daily basis....always wanting to help out. When I began fixing Linds' train, he just hopped out of his seat and helped me out.

Linds and Rob picked some incredible worship songs....so powerful and sounded so amazing in this little church.
The wedding was a perfect blend of American and Kiwi (New Zealand) culture, with Lindsay and Rob's personal touch added. Lindsay walked down the aisle to "City of Black and White" by Mat Kearney, which was one of my favorite songs prior to the wedding, but has taken on a whole new meaning now. They also had friends of theirs from New Zealand, a husband and wife, do a portion of the ceremony. It was very cool to hear from not only the husband, but also the wife in preparation for Rob and Lindsay to enter marriage.

The wedding party left the church immediately after the ceremony and went downtown to take some more 'industrial' pics....and let me just say, that they turned out wonderfully. Much different than my wedding pics 8 years ago.

My mom, Grandma, and I at the reception

Rob and Lindsay asked Matt to be the MC of the reception and he did a great job!

As MC, Matt (and I) played the 'shoe game' with Lindsay and Rob after dinner. We asked them to sit back to back, holding one of their own shoes and one of the other's shoes and lift one of the shoes indicating which of them would be more likely to be the correct choice for the questions we asked. (For example, who is a better cook? or who will look better naked?) It was hilarious and people loved it....and as you can see, it really brought out their personalities!
And what would a matron of honor speech be with tears? Yes, there were many, but I was honored to be there for my sister and so thankful for how God had orchestrated their love story. After this day, no one could doubt that God's faithfulness was at the center of their relationship.

Rob took the mic last and pretty much topped any groom speech I have ever heard. He thanked many of the people who have been integral in Lindsay and his relationship as well as sharing his love for Lindsay. There wasn't a dry eye in the place. And, as her sister, I am so thankful that Lindsay is married to someone who loves her so much!

Time to party!!! The dance was so much fun and if you look closely, you'll see Lindsay holding Wyatt and everyone dancing around him. He was exhausted by this time but stuck it out through the entire evening (Sadie crashed right before dinner and, thanks again to my in-laws, headed home). But Wyatt refused to leave as he didn't want to miss out on anything! We stayed until after everyone had left to help my parents clean up and Wyatt laid down on the floor and fell asleep----in the middle of the room. Poor guy was exhausted but he made it!

Again, these pictures are more than amazing - I feel as if I was there! :) What a beautiful day - I'm so happy for Lindsay - to have found a many who not only loves God with his life, but loves her so much as well. What a blessing! These pics make me want next week to come even faster - so the girls and Wyatt can play and we can catch up - miss you much! Jen
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