Thursday, January 23, 2014

The day after

My parents have a tradition of throwing a party at their house the day after their daughters' weddings to host any out of town guests for one last gathering. (As if there wasn't enough work to do when your daughter is getting married!) But my parents have limitless energy and love serving others, so we all get to benefit from their generous spirit! Unfortunately I didn't take many pictures as I was spending most of the time catching up with my cousins and aunts and uncles that I don't get to see as often. But I did manage to take a few....

An UNO game with my 90-year old grandpa (my mom's dad), my aunt Adie (my Dad's sister), my mom and Blake....3 generations
Carefully examining Great-Grandpa Criter's play
We also used the gathering as a birthday celebration for my Grandpa and Rob who both celebrated birthdays in the weeks following the wedding (and big ones at that! 30 and 90!!)
It was such a fun (and exhausting) weekend. We drove back to the cities on Sunday evening and got in around 10pm, only to get the kids to school the next day and prepare for Matt and my trip to NYC on Thursday.