Monday, August 31, 2009

Goodbye Columbus

Despite only living in Columbus for a year, we made some great friends. I was able to help get the Columbus chapter of Side by Side off the ground and made some great friends in the process. I loved being involved in Side by Side in La Crosse and jumped at the opportunity to be involved in starting one in Columbus. Not sure what I would have done this past year without these ladies and look forward to hearing how they are continuing to grow!

Beth Myers (founder of SBS Columbus) and I

Heidi and I

Kelly, Vincent, Sadie and I

Heidi and Emily

Julie, Matthew and I

There were so many people I didn't get the chance to officially say goodbye to, but hope we'll be able to stay in touch as we go forward......and you never know, maybe some of you will end up doing further training or settling here in the twin cities!!