Tuesday, November 11, 2008

All depends on your perspective

Would this be considered a good day or a bad day?

-play outside in pile of leaves while waiting for bus

-ride on the city bus into downtown(something Wyatt's been asking for ever since the Jeep died)

-see a sign while on the bus that says the buses won't be running from noon-1:30 because of the Veteran's Day parade

-too late to turn around, so get off the bus at planned stop

-begins sprinkling outside

-walk a few blocks to COSI (Columbus Science Museum)

-have a GREAT time playing with the kids

-look outside every 30 minutes to see it's still pouring

-get kids some lunch at COSI

-wait for rain to stop

-rain continues

-thank the nice gentleman at COSI who lent us his big umbrella (I still need to take it back to him) for our several-block-walk back to the bus stop

-venture out in the cold and rain

-get soaked despite having an umbrella

-leather sandals get ruined in rain

-kids don't notice the cold and rain as they are enamored by the parade

-Wyatt sees soldiers and says, "Mommy, those are the good guys that keep us safe" loud enough that they could hear

-National Guard humvee throws a soccer ball with American Flag on it to Wyatt

-volunteers give the kids flags to wave

-still walking in the pouring rain and cold, not sure what we are going to do when we arrive at our bus stop since the busses aren't running

-stop under an overhang and let the kids watch

-get emotional seeing all the men and women who have served our country

-see the appreciation in their eyes for the people who are there to honor them--including my kids who are waving their flags vigorously

-kids get some candy

-make it to the bus stop

-parade ends

-wait over an hour for our bus in downtown Columbus, soaking wet, cold, and tired

-talk to woman sitting next to us to discover we are at the wrong stop

-walk to stop she directs us to, but still not sure this is the right stop

-can't get a hold of my husband who is at the hospital only blocks away

-wait for our bus

-try husband for about the 5th time in the last 2 hours--goes straight to voicemail

-while on the phone with a friend to come pick us up, see our bus arrive

-quickly fold up the umbrella and stroller, pick Sadie up, tell Wyatt to hold his soccerball and run to catch the bus

-sit down and hope this really is our bus

-Sadie gets cranky

-Wyatt suggests we sing and belts out "Jesus Loves Me" for the entire bus to hear

-think we are on the correct bus

-see our stop coming, but forget to request our stop (since we didn't have to in the morning)

-request next stop only to get out and have to walk several blocks back to our house in the "still pouring" rain

-Wyatt cries the entire walk home from cold and exhaustion--it's now 3:30pm

-walk in the door, get everyone undressed and into clean, warm clothes

-say,"That was horrible!" only to have Wyatt say, "No it wasn't mom. That was fun!"

-get kids in bed for a late, quick nap

-change into dry clothes and finally get myself some lunch

-husband walks in the door having no idea what I've been through and says his phone has been working just fine all morning!

This was my day last friday and even as I write this, I still don't know if I'd say it was a good day or not. Parts of it were great and parts were horrible! But I did have the camera for some of it, so here is the picture version of our day!

Can you see how wet these poor kids were?

(Wyatt was holding the candy in his sweatshirt for fear he'd lose it!)


Jenny said...

A day you'll never forget, that's for sure! :) Sounds like the kids did really good though considering they were getting rained on and it was past naptime! Cute pictures.

Katie said...

It sounds like it was a fun day ... but I wasn't the mom in the story!! :-)

Anonymous said...

kris, i think its great how on the way home wyatt was crying from being tired and cold but he still thought it was a good day!! has he asked to ride the city bus again?

Anonymous said...

I just can't believe you were wearing flip flops in November!!! You are in Ohio, right!? :)

Our Family said...

Oh my....I don't know either! It made me tired and cold just reading it :) But then again I'm kind of a weather pansey!! Sorry I haven't called you back...I've watched someone's kids everyday this week - very tired!

Sharp Family said...

Wow, Kritin, you are such a trooper and a great mom to go through such hassle so your kids could have a fun day!

Jessie said...

Wow, quite the day. A day you will remember forever! Sometimes you just have to "ride the wave," what else could you do? Cry? I might do that too!

kara jayne said...

it's going to be one of those days that was not so fun to live, but oh so fun to remember.