Friday, April 4, 2008

Everything's bigger in Texas!!!

My SIL Cammie and I spent the weekend in Austin, TX for a cousin's wedding and we had a great time. Matt was on-call and it was a last minute trip, so my in-laws offered to watch the kids. On Thursday morning, as Cammie and I were getting ready to go, Wyatt hopped in one of the empty suitcases and said we could take him with us....what a sweetheart!!

Cam and I

We got into Austin on thursday night and met up with the cousins. Neither Cammie nor I had been to Austin before, so it was great to see some live music while we were in the "live music capital"--even if we didn't know who Shooter Jennings was!!

Our ride for the weekend......we had so much fun in this car!!!! I'm sure people in TX wondered why we kept the top down even when it began to sprinkle and was chilly at night....but we had just left a snowstorm in WI, so the fresh warm air felt great!!!

The beautiful bride and groom....and the rain held off for their outdoor wedding!

(L to R--Trent, Annie,Whitney, Taylor, Cammie and I)

I took this picture of their first dance and love how it turned out!!

The wedding was on friday night, so on Saturday we decided to head downtown and check out Austin.....we got to the University of Texas-Austin campus (which, by the way, is the largest public university) and the gates to the Longhorns football stadium were open. I was so excited that we'd be able to go it and then we realized that it was their inner-squad spring scrimmage!!! I kept saying, "Cammie, I'm so excited!" The 2005 national champs and we just walked right into the game---what are the chances?!

I love college sports and all the great traditions--after each quarter and each time the longhorns scored, they would fire off this canon.....we didn't know it was coming, though, and it scared us half to death!! Another great tradition--they have an actual longhorn at each game (click on the pic to enlarge).

We walked around campus for awhile and found this "art" thing---you know, the type of thing that you have no idea what it is or what the purpose, but it's "art". These plastic things basically looked and felt like spaghetti and we thought it was hilarious!

We had to do something ultra-touristy!!!

Everything in Texas really is bigger...just check out the size of this star!! (We are the little dots standing underneath it). We walked through the state capital and went to great restaurants. I went for a great run on a biking/walking path along the Colorado River. It was just a great time and I can't wait to go back. (Oh, and some AMAZING shopping!)

Of course, I got some little gifts for the kids while I was in Texas. Wyatt kept saying on the phone, "Are you going to bring me back some cowboy stuff from Texas?" So I couldn't come home without cowboy boots for him. I wasn't sure if he'd like them or not, but this picture tells it all. He hasn't taken them off since I got home---you've got to love the hockey helmet and stick, Favre jersey and cowboy boots!!


Anonymous said...

i think my fav part of the pic of wyatt is the one pant leg up and one down ... oh and i could totally see myself living in austin!!!

Our Family said...

what a fun trip Kris - looks like you and cammie had a great time!