Thursday, October 25, 2007

Halloween here we come!

I got Wyatt's costume a few weeks ago and ever since we got it, he's been so excited. As you can see, he is going to be Brett Favre for Halloween. (He actually picked this out on his own--not by my prodding--but I am pretty proud that he's a Packer fan!)

This is the face I see many mornings, either coming into the kitchen (if I'm already awake) or more often, next to my bed. As I open my eyes, I see this big helmet with bright blue eyes inside asking, "Is it time to wake up?"

Of course, while eating breakfast, we have to have the helmet right by us!

And when we are ready to go to sleep with blankie in hand, we still must wear it! I've tried several times to tell Wyatt he can sleep with the helmet next to him--sometimes I am successful in my attempts and other times I'm not. You'd think it would be pretty uncomfortable!


kara jayne said...

You will love remembering this several years from now. Go Packers!