Yes, I seem to be perpetually behind and never really feel like I am caught up on everything. But as my good friend's mom always tells her when she feel like she just doesn't have it all together...."you don't. and you never will. So don't waste your time and energy feeling guilty about it. You never 'arrive' in life. It is a constant state of learning stretching, changing and growing--and none of those involves peace. We can only create peace with how we approach those things...with hope, gratitude and optimism." And giving ourselves LOTS of grace! Because boy do I need it!
And this sweet face brings so much gratitude to me....despite the clear unhappiness he is experiencing.

And my beautiful sweet Sades...I am loving this age with her....can she stay 4 forever?

Wyatt is doing so well in school. We just had our first parent/teacher conferences last week and he is doing great. His teacher has even moved him up to an accelerated math program and I am so thankful. He LOVES math and just seems to 'get it'. It's like it just clicks for him and it's so simple in his mind. Matt and I are so thankful that his school has not only a gifted and talented program (which doesn't start until 2nd grade) but also accelerated classes in just about every subject for the kids that need extra challenges. And his teacher teaches the accelerated math, so he really enjoys that. But she also had noted in our conferences that he has such great handwriting.....
He brought this home from their science unit last week. With it being Halloween, it was fitting that they learned all about bats.

Last Sunday we watched the RWC (Rugby World Cup) Championship game. It's held every four years and this year New Zealand hosted (where my sister and her husband live). It's a really big deal to just about everyone else in the world, but since rugby isn't a very popular sport here, no one really knew about it here in the states. We have been following it a bit and when we found out that NZ was in the final against France, we had to watch. They placed in on NBC on a tape delay (live was 3am!) and we watched Sunday afternoon right before the Packer/Viking game. Wyatt was such a trooper....he watched most of it and really got into it. It was difficult for Matt and I to watch, however, since we didn't understand a thing that was going on and we are both used to understanding the basic fundamentals of most sports. The exciting part? NZ WON!!!! Their national team is called the All Blacks and they won the world championship. Wyatt has a poster in his room of the All Blacks that Rob and Lindsay sent him and he recognized several of the players and was pretty excited to wear his jersey to school the next day, despite the fact that none of the kids had any idea what it was all about. We saved the recording and are planning on watching it with Rob when he and Lindsay come next summer for the entire month of August!!! YEAH!!

Wyatt was watching a MN Wild game one night and we looked over to see Blake had gotten a pillow and laid down just like his brother....have I mentioned how much he adores his big brother?

Last week was Sadie's turn to be the 'princess' in dance class. Basically it means they get to pick the music and lead the class in one song. And boy did she love that!!

..and this was a 'dress' Sadie made with some wrapping paper one night. She has so much creative and a wonderful imagination that she clearly did not get from me, but I pray that I can continue to help cultivate it in her. I just love it!!

..more posts to come but I am getting closer and closer to feeling caught up!! Hang in there with me!
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