This year for Halloween we had a Pirate and his parrot and their princess.
And for some reason, in this picture, Sadie wanted to hold her baby doll. It wasn't a part of the costume nor did she take her trick-or-treating, but she insisted on having her in the picture!
..cutest little tail!!
And I forgot to include pictures of our carved pumpkins in the carving post, so here they are. Mine is the Mickey Mouse and Matt's is the sideways one.
Wyatt's pumpkin is on the left and Sadie's is on the right. Wyatt and Sadie both drew their faces on completely on their own and Wyatt also carved his completely on his own! They both did great jobs!
All ready to go!!!
Blake was such a trooper...he walked up to every door just behind all the big kids and said "Thank you guy" or "Thank you girl" to each house. And he walked for over an hour and a half on his own....there was no way he was going to let us carry him! He even ran for the first half!
Some of the neighborhood kids we went with....actually, i just noticed that these are all kids belonging to the couples we went to our Halloween party with! They are all such great kids and I am so thankful for how they look out for the little ones!
Blake came in first and he and I continued to hand out candy. He loved looking through it and getting to eat some of it. While he was trick-or-treating, he kept saying, "Sucker no in bucket" because he wanted to eat it right away. So once he walked inside I was able to say, "Blake, I won't put it in your bucket. You can eat it."
Wyatt was focused when he got home and also really tired.....look at that bucket all full of candy!!
And Sadie's hands were freezing!! The poor girl didn't say anything and she had mittens on, but when Matt felt her hands he was shocked at how cold they were. She then said, "Daddy, they are okay. I can still move some of them!" Oh dear! Thankfully she was just fine.....tough girl!
i love all the pictures!! wy-guy was totally in character with the sword in those first few pics, blakers was an awesome parrot and sadie was a beautiful princess. her comments about her cold hands cracks me up!
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