Sadie's first day of school was on Wednesday, which was actually really nice because they each got to have their own 'special' day. Sadie was SO excited to finally be going to school---this girl loves all things social and I think she was just expecting it to be one big party!
We had cinnamon rolls again (two days in a row is unheard of in this house!) and then got ready for school. Sadie wanted to wear her hair in a side-pony (can you tell she watches all the 'big' girls in our neighborhood?!)
Wyatt was dying to wear his Liberty Ridge T-shirt (his elementary school) and I wouldn't let him wear it on the first day, so he got to wear it for day #2!
Both Wyatt and Sadie were so excited to get Blake in on a picture
(I really need to figure out how to reduce the glare on Wy's glasses, though!)
Headed out the door....with her box tops that she has been saving all year!
At school, in front of her hook
It's funny when I think back on Wyatt's first day of preschool and how much different these kids are....and also how much farther along Sadie is in her school knowledge (writing her own name, writing the alphabet, sounding letters out, etc)
"Are you done taking pictures yet Mom?"
Despite the fact that Wyatt went to the same preschool, a lot of things were still new to us because they moved the classrooms around so now Sadie's class is in where the Kindergardeners used to be. So Sadie's friend Hollen (her older brother was in Wyatt's class and so these two girls used to play together when we'd drop the boys off) got to show Sadie where to put her papers after she signed in and where all the 'centers' were.
Sadie and her teacher, Mrs. Hulse
And one last picture with Mommy before she ran off to play!
I had to tell her I was leaving for her to notice and she looked at me and said, "Bye Mommy"!
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