Last weekend my in-laws and sister-in-law came in to town to celebrate Matt's brother, Tyler's, birthday. I also happened to work out that Wyatt had a football game on Saturday morning that they were able to come to. But it was our first cold game of the year (yes, fall has arrived) and we weren't fully prepared for the bitter winds!!
Sadie and her friend Taylor (Taylor's brother is one of Wyatt's friends/teammates and Sadie and Taylor couldn't be more thankful for each other. They spend every practice and game playing on the playgrounds at the nearby parks.)
Now on to the game....
It's flag football, so the only 'equipment' they have is their mouthguard and the flags. But Blake obviously thinks his big brother is pretty great and we have a hard time keeping him off the field. So when Wyatt gets subbed out of the game, he plays a little game of football with Blake.
No fair-weather fans here! of Wyatt's favorite things to do.
You gotta love the post-game snacks at a 9am football game!
Sadie becomes an instant fan once the game is over and snacks are being doled out
Once we got home, Papa decided to show Wyatt some football moves, which then quickly progressed to wrestling moves. (My father-in-law played football and wrestled at the Naval Academy, so he knows a thing or two about it!)
That evening we celebrated Ty's 22nd birthday. And since Ty had a bit of a cold, he asked Wyatt to help blow out the candles, which he was more than willing to do.
Blake was pretty concerned about what was going on...
As I write this, I am actually sitting in the airport in Dallas. Matt had a conference Thursday-Sunday that he spoke at and I decided to join him for some R & R. But wouldn't you know that when we decide to take a trip without the kids and spend some much-needed time together, Wyatt scores his first touchdown!!! My parents are staying with the kids and I had a voicemail Saturday morning from my Dad's phone. I listened to it and heard Wyatt's voice saying, "Mommy, it's Wyatt. I just wanted to tell you I scored a touchdown. Ok. Thanks, Bye."
It killed me!!! Both Matt and I could not believe it! In his first game, his coach had asked him to carry the ball and he refused. His coach told Matt this, I think mostly to let us know that their was a reason why Wyatt hadn't touched the ball that game. Being our timid child, Matt had a discussion with Wyatt that he needed to listen to his coach. "If coach tells you to be the running back, you say 'ok' and do it." The next game Wyatt did carry the ball once, however, he ran backwards more than he ran forwards and almost went down before he got his flag taken to avoid being tackled. (Yes, it is flag football but there is still a bit of tackling that takes place.) So in this, his third game, not only does he take the ball but he also scores a touchdown!! Amazing! But so bummed to have missed it.
Matt made me feel a bit better when he reminded me that the only time he scored a hat trick was when his Dad wasn't at a game. And I also felt a bit better since this is 6-7 year old flag football. Wyatt didn't seem too disappointed that we missed it, but more excited about scoring a touchdown and that Pops and Nani were there to see it! He told us he'd score another one next weekend, so hopefully its just the beginning of many to come! And maybe he did so well because we weren't there and he didn't feel any pressure, who knows?
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