A quick disclaimer....this post is titled 'week in review' but it is actually covers a few weeks. Mostly from this week, but a quick recap on Blake's latest incident which I had forgotten to post about.
It's pretty hard to explain how it actually happened, but let's just say it involved Blake climbing on the KNOBS of my kitchen drawers (didn't even know that was possible), grabbing pot of coffee (thankfully warm but not hot), attempting to pour it on the floor, me intercepting the carafe before it shattered in a million pieces, ceramic mug falling on floor and breaking, Blake slipping and piece of ceramic mug cutting his cheek. Whew...don't think I could explain it much better than that!
The hardest part was trying to apply any pressure to his face and getting it to stop bleeding. After about 15 minutes (which seems like an eternity) of basically sitting on him and attempting to hold him down and having him cock his head back and scoot backwards along the floor, I told Sadie we needed to go in. In the midst of all this, Wyatt was getting off the bus, so Sadie went out to meet him and fill him in on the details. (Suffice it to say that Sadie was not happy with me as she thought I was hurting Blake. I tried to reassure her that this wasn't the case, but I don't think she believed me.)
I took Wyatt and Sadie to my friend Dixie's house and then borrowed her 10-year old daughter Addie to assist me. She had to hold him arms down in the car so he wouldn't rip the bandage off and was such a great helper! We stopped by Matt's office first so he could look at it and he suggested we use some of the dermabond he had used on Wyatt's head earlier in the summer. But he would have to go to the hospital to get some and he still had another hour or so of clinic left, so we headed over to the ER to try and get some.

They gave us all kinds of toys and bubbles while we waited.

When the nurse finally saw us and I told her what Matt thought we should do, she listened but also had to 'follow protocol'. So they put the numbing gel on his face and made us wait 30 minutes for that to work, then planned on washing it out and determining what course they would take.

(seeing himself on my phone camera)

After all that, Matt ended up getting done with clinic and came over, grabbed some of the 'magic stuff' from the OR and glued him back together! We never even saw the ER doc, which was fine since we just needed to get the dermabond on him. What an ordeal! But that explains the big cut on his face in the following pictures.
Matt and I got back from our trip to Dallas on Sunday and the kids were so excited to see what we had brought back for them. Ever since they tried on those cowboy hats at the state fair, they had been asking for boots and hats! And we couldn't disappoint!

Sadie and I in our 'cowgirl boots' (Wyatt also got boots)

These square-toed boots are the rage in Texas....not sure the trend will ever make it up here where we don't have many real cowboys, but Sadie thinks they are pretty neat.

I have been attempting to get more pictures of our 'everyday' life and part of that would be.....
Blankies....kinda funny how each of my kids has one and loves them! As long as we have these three blankies, we could go anywhere!

This is what it looks like from inside our room when Matt leaves for work
(excuse the quality....taken with my phone)

And this is what it looks like after school.....Wyatt, Grace and Lillie getting off the bus and Blake literally runs to hug them all (Wyatt first, of course!)
...apparently I had poor timing on the picture..not sure why Wyatt is making that face but he actually was excited..Blake's excitement always brings a smile to his face

Random picture of our garage??

I'll give you a closer look....

...one of these things doesn't belong here...

I couldn't find Blake inside the house and noticed the back door wide open (unfortunately it can't be locked from the inside....meaning, we can lock the door but it will still open from the inside). When I looked out in to the garage, I couldn't see Blake anywhere. I called for him and called for him, ran out through the garage and didn't see him anywhere outside. He lay completely silent and motionless the entire time....I only heard him when he moved a touch and once I realized he was very safe, I ran in to get my camera!!

A few other things he has been up to lately over at the park......
He can cross these things entirely on his own!

And yes, he climbs this without any assistance as well. In this picture, he was actually attempting to go down the wall (which he did succeed at, of course!)

Our friends stopped by the other day to pick up some winter clothes for their kids that my kids aren't using this year and Danny (2 1/2 yrs old) was so excited to fit into Wyatt's first pair of skates. Of course, then Wyatt and Sadie had to put theirs on!
(You'll also notice Sadie's haircut....she wanted to cut it short like mine. Kinda cute but I think we are going to grow it back out)

Danny is so into the gear, so we got out all the helmets and sticks as well.

And the really big news this week?? Wyatt's tooth....
That darn tooth has been ready to come out for WEEKS and we have been asking Wyatt when he would pull it out or let us pull it out. Unfortunately, as with most things in his life, he was scared about what it would be like. He said, "Mommy, I've just never lost a tooth before and I am scared." I tried to reassure him but I also didn't want it to fall out at school or while he was eating and actually lose the tooth itself. So finally, on Thursday night before dinner, he asked me if I would pull it out. He let me take a picture first but didn't want anyone else to know what we were doing upstairs. I think he just wanted it to happen without any extra attention or excitement, which probably would have made him more nervous.

It was an absolute miracle that that tooth was still in his mouth....I barely pulled and it just came right out. But of course, he didn't like the bleeding in his mouth and decided he didn't want to eat any dinner that night for fear that it would hurt. He also didn't want to put the tooth under his pillow because the idea of a tooth fairy also scares him.....he just can't comprehend why anyone would be okay with a stranger coming in to your room at night, while you are sleeping, and reaching under your pillow! I guess you can't blame him. Matt suggested maybe putting it under his pillow while he was at school to see what would happen but Wyatt didn't like that idea either....still not comfortable with someone he doesn't know in his room while he isn't there. So the tooth fairy may not be coming to our house for a long time....but we do still have the tooth in a bag on the counter in case he changes his mind. He is, however, excited to take it to school on Monday and bring the 'tooth book' home (a book each kid gets to bring home whenever they lose a tooth and put a picture of themselves with their missing tooth in).
Sometimes I feel so bad for Wyatt that he is so fearful of so many things that I just never gave a second thought to! We try to talk through things with him and make sure he knows that we love him and always want what is best for him, but sometimes the only way he learns is to actually go through the situation himself. Matt was very similar as a kid which gives me hope that Wyatt will learn to overcome his fears, but in the meantime I just feel bad for him.
And thankfully the tooth fairy isn't a big deal at all....the tooth fairy could never come to our house and we wouldn't be any worse off. But it is something that is supposed to be fun and for Wyatt, it seems to involve more fear than fun!