Sadie's birthday was celebrated over several days...we did family presents on her actual birthday and went out for dinner but waited until the weekend to do her cake since my parents were going to be coming up for the weekend. Matt's parents had come up before we left for Florida and given Sadie her gifts (and I wasn't even thinking to take pictures--bummer!) So she really had 3 days of celebrating!
We usually make the kids wait until the evening to open presents, but Wyatt had picked out a special gift just for Sadie that he wanted to give her that morning.....
Matt had given Sadie a charm bracelet to match mine at Valentine's Day and ever since then, Wyatt has been telling me he wanted to get Sadie another charm. So we went and he picked out a really cute pink heart charm.
She spent much of her birthday on the phone and loved it! This girl was so excited to have so many people call her for her birthday and really loved the calls she got from her friends Ellie Lundquist and Elle Sullivan!
Opening gifts that evening (I'm still not used to it being light out so late!)
I love the faces she makes....
And if you notice from those pictures, she has a constant 'shadow' over her watching to see what she'll get and ready to help if she needs it. At one point, Sadie said, "Wyatt, don't tell me!" as she feared his excitement would spoil the surprise!
The cake
Love this picture...except that I didn't get the focus right! But she was sitting like this once I finished decorating it for several minutes!
Birthday celebration #3...opening gifts from Nani and Pops
She got the family minivan that goes with her you think there were a few other people interested?
And then she got the baby 'collection'.....2 more babies (that makes 4 total), 2 strollers, 2 car seats in the minivan, bouncy seats, exersaucers, cribs and highchairs.
(She has named the 2 baby girls Ellie and Claire after our good friends Steph and Bill's new twin baby girls Eleanore and Claire!)
She loved the minivan and it came at great timing....right after we got back from our trip to FL where we rented a minivan and the kids thought the automatic doors were the coolest things ever. (We always want what we don't have!)
Who do you think did this?? Grandma on the 4-wheeler (and the 4-wheeler was clearly not part of the birthday gifts!)
Matt told her she could put the candles wherever she wanted to...Wyatt then told us all it looked like the princess had bombs coming out of the back of her!
I love the look on my kids' faces when people are singing Happy Birthday to them!
Ready to dive in!
wyatt's comments about the bombs made me laugh so much ... AND i'm at work so i tred to contain myself!
Oh I love your kids. I can't wait for sadie to meet the real Ellie and Claire. The cake turned out amazing. Good work.
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