Sadie just turned 4 on Monday (I am a few days behind!) and Matt and I were talking on Sunday night about how it seems like Sadie should be turning 5. I had several friends ask us if she was turning 5 and when I said she was just turning 4, they were so shocked. She is quite the talkative little girl, which is why I think most people think she is older than she is.
She does love to talk (not sure who she gets it from:), especially on the phone. She still enjoys playing with her baby dolls and her purses. She has several bags and will fill them with anything possible and carry them all around the house, often leaving things in surprising places. She is quite messy/creative (however you like to look at it) and isn't bothered by any mess ......

She loves sweets and will ask for Sprite or chocolate milk on every 'special' occasion, but also really likes carrots, salads, guacamole and milk. I posted this next picture because she is my child who is more likely to ask forgiveness than permission, if you know what I mean. It can be cute but also is something we are working on!

And this girl LOVES stories.....she likes books just fine and will read them often, but she will sit so attentively to anyone telling her a story. She remembers every single detail about the story, including intonations in peoples' voices and the emotions of each character. And she loves to retell stories as well or make her own up as she goes. I love her imagination and am trying to gently teach her big brother not to squelch it (Wyatt constantly wants to know if things are real or just pretend...i.e, Mickey Mouse isn't real, its just a person inside a costume...and will share this information with Sadie, who loves make-believe and pretend. Thankfully, whenever Wyatt tells her that something isn't real, like her Tinkerbell and fairies, Sadie just says, "I know" and continues to play as if they are. But we are working on getting Wyatt to keep these things to himself and allow his sister to play.)
She lives life to its fullest....experiencing an array of emotions and taking advantage of every opportunity for fun and laughter.

You have done such a great job in swimming and dance this year and are VERY anxious to start preschool in the fall. Sadie, we are so proud of you and love being your parents! You are so full of life and everyone who meets you instantly smiles! You do a great job of staying so 'girlie' despite being surrounded by some pretty tough boys! You can hang with them in just about any sport/activity but have no problems doing your own thing when you want to. You are very confident and easily make friends wherever you go.....I often hear you say, "Hi, I am Sadie. What's your name? Do you want to be my friend?" and will tell us each week after church about a new friend you made and that you invited them to our house! I love it! You are a great encourager and are just as excited about your brothers' accomplishments as you are your own. I love hearing you say, "Great job_____" with so much enthusiasm. We are so blessed to have you in our family and look forward to what "4 years old" brings!!
And this girl LOVES stories.....she likes books just fine and will read them often, but she will sit so attentively to anyone telling her a story. She remembers every single detail about the story, including intonations in peoples' voices and the emotions of each character. And she loves to retell stories as well or make her own up as she goes. I love her imagination and am trying to gently teach her big brother not to squelch it (Wyatt constantly wants to know if things are real or just pretend...i.e, Mickey Mouse isn't real, its just a person inside a costume...and will share this information with Sadie, who loves make-believe and pretend. Thankfully, whenever Wyatt tells her that something isn't real, like her Tinkerbell and fairies, Sadie just says, "I know" and continues to play as if they are. But we are working on getting Wyatt to keep these things to himself and allow his sister to play.)
For the most part, she isn't afraid to try new things even if Wyatt doesn't want to do something (this was taken at the state fair and Wyatt didn't want to join her on this 2-person ride, so she just went alone!)
She got to be a flower girl twice this year and still talks about it at least once a week.
She loves shoes (not sure who she gets that from either!)

and dancing seems to be her favorite activity....anytime, anywhere! And in my seriously biased opinion, I would say she is quite good. This girl can move her hips and follow a beat with the best of them!
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