Unless you live under a rock, you probably have heard about the winter storm we got here in Minnesota last weekend. We woke up Saturday morning to find a few inches of snow outside, but it was coming down pretty heavy and every news channel was telling people to stay at home. But do you think we listened? Of course not! (We had tickets that morning to take Wyatt and Sadie, as part of their Christmas gift, to see DIsney on Ice. Since Disney didn't cancel their show, we ventured out as well.)
We took the kids to Mickey's Diner in downtown St. Paul for breakfast

They loved the show and we had a great time.....and then we came outside! There was so much snow and the roads were a mess. It took us quite awhile to get home, but we were so thankful for 4-wheel drive and a heavy car that got us through LOTS of snow! Once we got home, we continued to watch in amazement as the snow just kept coming and coming and coming!

It looked and felt like we were in a winter wonderland!

The next morning we woke up and the snow had finally stopped, but everything was still shut down (our church even cancelled services on both Saturday evening and Sunday morning for the first time ever).
Notice the Adirondack chair under our deck...

The blizzard brought not only snow but also intense winds, resulting in these amazing formations in the snow. So beautiful.....

The downfall of all the snow......when the plows finally come through and bury your driveway!
Matt and I went out on Saturday evening around 9pm and shoveled all 18+ inches off our driveway. It some parts it was closer to 3 ft. from the winds, but it was a lot of snow on a 3-car wide driveway. Yet we had so much fun out there together. It was dark and so quiet and peaceful. The Christmas lights shone throughout our neighborhood as we shoveled and shoveled and shoveled. It was a great workout and we were proud of all the work we had done (no, we are still not getting a snowblower....shoveling is just too much fun!)

After we shoveled on Saturday night, Matt had the brilliant idea of parking our cars in the driveway to prevent huge snow drifts from accumulating on our driveway. And his idea worked great....but you can see how high the snow was from the plows.

Shoveling out was a neighborhood activity that day.....

This picture helps illustrate just how high the snow was.....we really were 'trapped'.

The mounds of snow on either side of our driveway are just massive...taller than us in some points and covering almost the entire trunk of our tree.

I took this picture with my phone on Monday when I went to get our mail.

No worries about having a White Christmas this year!! We are loving all this snow...now if it would just get above 5 degrees and we could actually get out and play in it a bit more!
that is a CRAZY amount of snow!! my kids are jealous of my sisters and her family who live in MN since we have hardly any snow. I love a good snow storm too as long as it doesn't interfere with travel plans at Christmas :)
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