Things are so much fun in our household right now with Blake's new ability to walk and constantly learning new things.....BUT it also makes some things very difficult. So I have resorted to using the ERGO (thanks Steph!) for cleaning my floors, bathrooms, folding laundry, etc. But it is a great workout to carry around an almost 28lb. child while doing this stuff.

These are the kids' chores......

We were having a hard time (maybe it was mostly I who was having the hard time) being consistent with chores and giving allowances. So I adopted this idea from a friend of mine and it's been working wonderfully! Each of these tongue depressors has a 'chore' written on it (dust bedroom, clean toilet, vacuum your room, etc) and each morning Wyatt and Sadie each pick two from the large cup and then put them in the small cup when they are done. I have had several people ask me how I keep the cleaning on a schedule....well, I don't. With three little ones, it's nearly impossible. So sometimes the toilet gets cleaned on back-to-back days and sometimes it's a week between cleanings. But the purpose is really to teach the kids how to be a part of a family and help out and also how to do each chore well. I learned to let go of how clean it actually was and focus on what I was trying to teach them. But the kids love it since there is an element of surprise each morning. Once they finish their chores, they get 2 tickets (they love the tickets and I bought them at Walmart on one of those huge rolls of tickets, so they are just like the ones the kids have seen before). They only get their tickets if they don't complain while doing their chores and if they are done to my satisfaction (basically if they tried their best or if they just tried to get it done quickly). They save their tickets and once they get to 10 tickets, they turn them in to me for their allowance. (Their allowance=their age.) They have to be in charge of keeping track of their tickets (since I won't replace lost ones) and then turn them in. It's been really great to also teach them about managing their money, although this concept will obviously grow as they get older. But they have to put 10% aside for church and 10% in their piggy banks for savings (which they say is for college:). So far this is the most effective method we have had yet to date and they are still excited about doing it. I know the excitement will wear off, but the chores are not an option--they have to be done. The only option is whether they will
choose to have a good attitude about it and then be rewarded or whether they'll do it begrudgingly. And I'm praying that I can be consistent with this as well!
blake looks like he was just waking up in that pic ... or crying because he doesn't like his chores! who took this picture? wy-guy or sades?
I love the chore idea! I may have to use that, I struggle to be consistent with stuff like that. And, I laughed about how you called Blake your tornado, that is what we call Samantha! :) One more thing, I LOVE my ergo carrier, I use it all the time. I haven't tried her on my back yet since she is only around 22 lbs but I can get so much done when I strap her in it and she loves it too!
so glad you are using the ergo. i used it constantly for cleaning with charlie too. love the chore idea. i will definitely need to remember this (or call you and you will remind me of it!).
I've been wanting the Ergo, too - ever since we had to give the bjorn back to Nealy. Glad to hear you like it. And great idea about the chores!! I'll keep that one in mind!! Fun to see how Blake is getting so big.
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