We had a great relaxing weekend this past weekend as Matt was not on-call and we had no plans!! Since our Saturday was completely free, some friends of ours came up from Rochester for the day with their 9-month old son Charlie. We had so much fun with them and hope to be able to do it more often, but with Matt's schedule and Bill's (he's a resident at Mayo), Steph and I may just have to get together!
Blake 'checking out' Steph
Great head control for just a 5-week old! (no bias here)
Sadie wasn't sure what to think about Charlie playing with Blake's stuff at first. But she quickly warmed up and loved playing with him, since he's much more interactive than Blake.
Charlie meeting Blake
"Charlie-style"=poking his nose
(notice Bill holding Charlie's hand at this point and Blake looking at him, like, "Are you just going to let this happen?")

Charlie--9 mos old, 20lbs
Blake--5 weeks old, 14lbs

Wyatt, upon giving Bill the tour of our house, told him,"And when we have customers over, they sleep in Sadie's room and she sleeps in my bunk bed with me." Apparently our guests are viewed as customers!!
Sadie, when Bill was having a jumping contest with her, said, "If I had suction cups on I could jump all the way to the ceiling and then I would stick there and then I could sing up there and be a decoration." HUH??
And finally, we went out to eat in downtown St. Paul. Matt dropped Wyatt, Sadie and I off at the restaurant so we could get a table and went to park the car. Bill, Steph and Charlie soon followed us in. When Matt finally came in, I looked at him and said, "Where's Blake?!!"
To which Matt quickly turned around and ran back out to the car a few blocks down the street and got him--he was sleeping soundly and still very warm, no worries. That was a first for us and Bill and Steph were lucky enough to witness it.
However, the very next day at church when Matt dropped off Wyatt, Sadie and I, I turned to Matt and said, "Now don't forget Blake", mostly kidding. But Matt walked in to church at the same time as some friends of ours and when he got to the entrance, exclaimed, "Oh no. I forgot Blake in the car." Our friends (parents of one child) came in church crying they were laughing so hard and in disbelief that Matt could do this. They came up to me and said, "You'll never guess what your husband did." I was assuming he had gotten in an accident in the parking lot or something. But when they told me he had forgotten Blake in the car, I said, "Oh well. He did that last night too!"
I'm sure there will be more stories like this to come!
that story still makes me crack up!
I just laughed so hard reading this entry -
That is so funny about Matt. Seriously, that is one of my bigget fears with a new kid. It is so easy to forget when your mind is on other things. Oh my goodness!! Jen L.
Actually, the "forgetting you child" act is in the genetic code. When Matthew was a newborn we had him dedicated at church one Sunday in January. I drove separately and went home early to prepare dinner for our out of town guests. As I left, I reminded David to be sure to bring Matthew home with him and left the car seat etc. About 1/2 an hour after I arrived home I received a phone call from the Pastor of our little church asking me if I'd forgotten "something". I replied that I had my Bible and coat etc. He then asked about the BABY!! David arrived home a few minutes later to my incredulous look of consternation and inquiry about the whereabouts of my BABY. He immediately high-tailed it back to the church where our Pastor and the most of the entire congregation were waiting for him on the curb outside the church grinning and holding a sleeping Matthew in his arms. Matt has heard that story enough times to beware of doing the same. I guess it's just part of the genetic code!!
Mom Sorensen
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