One of the great things about Matt and I being from the same hometown is that our families attend the same church. So we actually get to be with both families on Christmas Eve!
Christmas morning (can you tell?!)

A quick story to explain: As we were heading out of town, Matt stopped to grab a coffee and took Wyatt and Sadie inside the coffee shop with him to use the restrooms once last time. While Matt was waiting for his coffee, Sadie asked if she could get this rice krispy bar, to which Matt replied, "No." Apparently she just couldn't control herself and took a bite out of it--plastic wrapping and all. As a result, Matt had to buy the bar, however we did now let her have any of it. When they got back to the car, Matt was trying so hard to be stern with Sadie and not laugh, although I have to say that his success at doing so is debatable.
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