I am a bit behind on my posts, so here is my attempt to catch up while all 3 kids are sleeping. Wyatt had his preschool Christmas concert a few weeks ago and it was so cute! My in-laws and sister in law were also in town and got to see Wyatt 'perform'. He was so excited about it and kept asking us if we would all be there to see him. But once he got up in front of everyone, his shyness shown in full effect. He was very excited once he spotted us but was also immediately aware that people were watching him.
This was, I think, his 'nervous reaction' to all the attention:

...he played with her dress during the entire first song! Thankfully she didn't seem to mind.
Once the first song was over, he really began to concentrate--sorry about the quality of the pics. Now that i have my new camera and telephoto lens, this won't happen anymore!

Always serious.

He did a great job and to my surprise, he knew all the words to the songs and sang them all as well! During one part of the service, the pastor of the church where he attends preschool was telling a story about asking the kids what they wanted for Christmas. After sharing some of the kids' answers, he said that Mrs. Meyer (Wyatt's teacher) asked him what he wanted for Christmas and before he could even answer, a precocious little boy in the class shouted out "HAIR"! (I should explain that the pastor is probably early to mid-thirties and has a very slight receding hairline--note 'slight'.) He then looked over at the class and said, "That little boy was Wyatt". Of course the entire congregation was laughing hysterically but Matt and I, along with my in-laws and sister in-law, couldn't believe it!! We were laughing, but also in shock that Wyatt would have the confidence to shout out an answer before anyone else, let alone such a surprising one! I explained to his teacher the next day that since both his grandpas have little hair, its become a common joke/discussion in our family. Not sure that will make the pastor feel any better, but it made for a hilarious story for us to remember!
That cracks me up that Wyatt shouted out "Hair!" Great story to remember and tell him when he's older! :)
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