The kids and I headed to Madison a week before Christmas to spend some time with my sister, who was in town for two weeks from New Zealand. Much of her time in Madison was spent making wedding plans for her June wedding. On Saturday, my mom, my 2 sisters, and Sadie and I (and Blake, poor guy!) went dress shopping. Well, actually it was more like 'picking the favorite' since Lindsay and my mom had already done the big shopping and we got to come along to see the 'final 2'. And what a fun day it was!!
No pics of the dress...of course! But after selecting "The One", we were served a champagne toast (and Sadie got a champagne glass with water).

Sadie loved every minute of it. She spent much time following Lindsay around and 'fluffing' her train, but in between dresses, Sadie did a little playing of her own!

Sadie is going to be the flower girl in Lindsay and Rob's wedding, so we took the opportunity to try on a few flower girl dresses. Sadie loved changing into each one and HAD to stand on the box that Lindsay and other brides get to stand on!

This one was a bit big, but as you can see from each picture, she loved 'carrying' her dress around just like Lindsay carried hers around the store.

Lindsay is going to be a beautiful bride and Sadie will be such a cute flower girl----can't wait!!
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