I really was beginning to think this day would never come. And I was getting less impatient and more resolved to accept that I would forever be pregnant with my third child. It just seemed like I had been in the 'any day now' stage for long enough for it to be permanent. But 9 days overdue and an ultrasound that measured this baby at 9lbs, 120z. was all it took for my doctor to decide to induce me the next morning. And as much as I didn't want to be induced, I had a good experience with Sadie and knew this one would probably go just as well. (I just really wanted the 'surprise' effect of spontaneously going into labor. But knowing a day in advance has its advantages as well.)
(Like getting a picture of my belly....I hadn't taken any this pregnancy!)

Awaiting this baby in the hospital. For Matt and I, it was such a relaxing morning--really! Once I got in to my room, Matt headed to Starbucks to get a coffee and paper while I got started on the pitocin. He returned around 8am and we sat and watched The Today Show together, discussing what we would name this baby (we had it narrowed down to two names for a girl and two for a boy.) At about 9:30am, I started having more painful contractions and asked for the epidural. By 10:30am, I was resting comfortably watching TV while Matt read and did some work. At around noon, I mentioned to the nurse that I felt a lot of pressure and was going to need to push soon. My doctor came in, I pushed for about 15-20 minutes, and we finally got to meet Blake David.

After he was born, Matt and I were both so emotional. Much more with this one that with the other two. And I'm not sure why. We've talked about it since then and I think it must be that now that we have older kids, we have a better understanding of what having a child really means and how exciting/amazing it is. Whatever the reason, I was a mess for about 5 minutes!

Before he was born, I had guessed the baby would be 8lbs, 10oz. Boy was I shocked when they put him on the scale and he was almost a full pound bigger than that! Thankfully he didn't feel that big when I was giving birth to him.

Proud Daddy--now with 2 sons!

His first visitor--Nani!

Due to the H1N1 virus, children under 5 years old were not allowed into the hospital. When I first heard this I was just crushed! I remembered going to the hospital when my youngest sister was born and it was so much fun--and I wanted my kids to get to experience that as well. But thankfully I had a few weeks to prepare the kids, so they seemed fine with it. They got to play at a friends' house for the day and wear their 'Big Brother, Big Sister' t-shirts. We took some video of Blake and I in the hospital and Matt showed it to them over dinner that night. And of course, they then wanted to make a video for Blake and I to see--and it was so cute!

Matt and his best friends Erik and Andy--our family has been so blessed by the friendship these guys share and I am so thankful that Blake will grow up with such godly examples to follow.

Meeting Blake for the first time--in the hospital lobby

Do you think they look a bit excited?

Wyatt was explaining the bracelets to Sadie--

--showing her Blake's matching bracelet (or anklet to be accurate).

A moment between Daddy and Sadie as she explained how to take care of her baby brother.

We are so thankful to have Blake in our family and are excited to watch him grow. He seems to be changing so much everyday and I'm hoping to be able to post it all on here. But keeping up with the blog with three kids is a bit more challenging than with two--but I have high hopes!