31 reasons I love my husband (in no particular order):
1. He has an amazing ability to think outside the box (something I severely lack)
2. He works unbelievabling hard and still puts his family first
3. He makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world--on a daily basis!
4. He is a true gentleman and is now teaching Wyatt to open doors and allow the ladies to go first
5. He has developed the same passion I have for music
6. We have so much fun together
7. He makes noises when he eats his food to convey how much he enjoys it--it still cracks me up!
8. He is the most loyal person I know
9. He loves tradition
10. He insists on using the 'bubble lights' on our christmas tree
11. He wakes up early every morning to spend time reading the Bible and praying--even on days when he has to be to work at 5:30am.
12. He is definitely the 'decorator' in our family--he has a true eye for it that I definitely lack.
13. He unpacks his entire suitcase and puts his clothes in the dresser at a hotel or friend's house even if he's only staying for one night.
14. He is very clean and orderly.
15. He is a wonderful example to Wyatt of what a godly man and husband looks like.
16. He gave me a great proposal story that I still love to tell!
17. He enjoys chick flicks just as much as I do.
18. He loves to travel.

19. He loves being outdoors and experiencing God's creation.
20. He is a total homebody and would love to spend all his spare time at home with the kids and I.
21. He shows his emotions.
22. He puts up with my need for 'surprises' in life.
23. He tells me constantly how much he appreciates all I do for our family.
24. He can talk philosophy/politics/theology with anyone and is great at getting people to think about things.
25. He challenges me.
26. He wants to go 'heli-skiing' someday and hopefully will be able to!
27. He is a great singer
28. He is a realist and keeps me grounded
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