What better way to spend the rest of Christmas Day than outside enjoying the snow? Matt and Wyatt headed out before any of us, but we all eventually joined them.
Sorensen Siblings

The brothers in a wrestling match---at least a twice daily occurrence--but even more fun in the snow

Once we got sick of sledding and playing in the snow, we headed to the pond and began clearing off the snow--snowblower, 2 shovels, and a broom did the trick!

Matt and his brothers getting their skates on---it took awhile to get the ice cleared off and was already getting dark when they finally got to skate.

We waited until the next morning to take Wyatt out. He was napping while we were clearing off the ice and then it was so dark that we decided to just wait until the next day. Unfortunately we got a bit of an ice storm overnight, so the ice wasn't as smooth anymore. But it made for an easier time for him.

Meanwhile inside, Sadie was playing "Mommy" with her new baby doll. Matt's mom still had this little high chair and Sadie loved putting her doll in it and feeding her.

We were so sad to see our time in Madison come to an end. But we had a true vacation--we barely worked out, ate a lot, slept a lot, spent time with family and saw a few friends, and didn't do any work! It was such a refreshing time for our family to be together for an entire week. And we were thankful to be able to travel between snow storms!
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