I originally started the blog to not only keep our family and friends up to date on our lives, but also to keep a record of what my kids where doing as they grew up. Every mother with older children reminds us younger women to "write things down because you will forget them". That is exactly what I am doing---so here we go on weeks worth of 'notes'.
Sadie waiting for the chocolate chip cookies to be done. We make chocolate chip cookies about once a week (my family loves them) and Sadie sits and watches until they are done. When I took this pic, she was pointing at them and saying, "one, two, cookie, one, two, cookie". Not really great counting, but she's only 18 mos!

My mother-in-law sent a package to the kids last week and inside was some jewelry for Sadie. Sadie loves all things girlie---shoes, handbags, jewelry, makeup, etc
I took these pics of her looking at herself in the mirror.....this was her first impression!
And then this!
Sadie loves to pray. I took this picture of how she usually holds her hands when we pray at dinner. Wyatt always comments on it because he thinks it's so funny. But awhile ago, we held hands around the table and prayed and she loved it. At every meal, she now holds out her hands to hold ours and doesn't let go when we are done praying. It's just precious! She'll even hold out her hands to pray in the middle of a meal--she just loves to hold hands around the table. (Not so much when we are walking through a store).
We see this face on an almost hourly basis! A few more things to note about Sadie. She is talking all the time and now stringing two words together. She'll say 'please' and 'thank you' unprompted and just yesterday, her and Wyatt had an entire conversation. I had asked her to go take her shoes off by the front door and she didn't obey. Wyatt said to her, "Sadie, you need to obey Mommy." She looked at him and said, "No." Wyatt said, "Sadie (in a motherly tone), yes you do. Do you want me to take your shoes off for you?" to which she replied, "Yeah". He took them off and she goes, "Tank Ooo". It was so great watching them interact without me!

She also hates waking up from her nap if Wyatt is still sleeping. She'll start crying if he's still in bed and on a number of occasions, she has gone upstairs and started knocking on the door to wake him up. So frustrating, but also great to see their sibling bond growing.
Now on to Wyatt. I have to say that he has become such a great big brother to Sadie. He is always trying to help her when she's frustrated and play with her. I think it's mostly due to the fact that Sadie can now talk to Wyatt so they both understand what is going on and she seems to get frustrated much less.
Here is his latest accomplishment....he can write his own name!! I'm not sure what age kids learn this since he's my first, but we've been working on our letters and he loves to color and draw. Now that he can write his name we've been working on other words and he can write Mom, Dad, and Sadie on occasion. But he has perfected his name and writes it everywhere. So proud!

One of his other favorite things to do is play with his cars. He has had some of these cars for almost two years and just keeps adding to the collection. He knows the manufacturer of many of them and is always asking me when we are driving down the road, "What kind of car is that Mommy?" In fact, one day he asked and it was a Mercedes. When I told him, he said, "That sounds like 'Sadie's' !" I love the way kids' minds work!
When he leaves a room, you'll find cars lined up like this.....
...or this.....
..or this.

And not only does he remember what kind of car they are, but he'll recognize them on the road. When my parents were in town, they had a rental car--a Chrysler Sebring. The week after they left, Wyatt saw one on the road (different color) and said, "It's just like Pops' rental car". I barely recognized it. But his mind is like a lock-box , especially when it comes to cars.
Another thing Wyatt has caught on to....asking me if things are "On Sale". He'll pick up something at the store and say, "Mommy, is this on sale?" which equals, "can we get this?" He has learned that I rarely buy anything that isn't on sale, so he first asks to see if it is on sale. When it's not, he'll put it right back and say, "Well maybe we can get it when it's on sale."
Wow, way to go Wyatt! He seems so young to be able to write his name. And Sadie looks adorable (as always) all dolled up!
love the blog updates!!!
Wow! They are getting so big...I think Ri and Sadie would get along so well. Such girlie girls! Although she talks more than Riley, I think :).
ok this is not good ... i miss these kiddos already and i'm still in madison!!! i expect lots of pictures ... OFTEN! love you guys!
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