I am so far behind on posting things, so I'm trying to take a good chunk of time this weekend and get caught up. I still haven't posted about the rest of the week with my sister Lindsay here, so even though it's now been several weeks since she left, I am going to catch up.
Let me start by saying that my kids absolutely
love visitors. Each morning when they woke up they would ask if they could wake Lindsay up and after she said it was okay, the kids would have her come upstairs and ask her to read what seemed like every book on their bookshelf. My kids can't get enough of reading books (more about that in the next post) and sucked Lindsay right in with their, "Just one more book Linds?" I know she's going to kill me for posting this, but here she is right after waking up reading books to the kids in our bedroom.

The day before she had to leave we headed to her Alma Mater, Miami University (aka Miami of Ohio). She loves her Alma Mater and has convinced Wyatt that he's going to play hockey there someday. So when we decided to make the 2-hour trip down there, Wyatt was so excited. I'm not sure what he thought visiting a college would be like and I was a bit worried that he'd be disappointed. But our first stop was the bookstore where Lindsay bought the kids new Miami gear, so Wyatt was impressed right away.
A few pics from our day on campus---it really is one of the most beautiful campuses.

Wyatt in front of one of the dorms on campus (he insisted he be the only one in this picture)---aren't the buildings just beautiful??

The big excitement of the day was getting to go to the "Goggin". Lindsay has educated Wyatt on the Goggin Ice Arena where the Redhawks play hockey and he's heard about this place ever since he could talk. But they just built a new Goggin, so we were all excited to see it.

Wyatt had been asking all day if we could go inside the Goggin and we weren't sure if it would even be open. But thankfully not only was it open but they were having hockey practice. Wyatt stood at the window watching for what seemed like forever.
Meanwhile, Sadie was playing at the drinking fountain the entire time...if you click on the picture you can see all the beads of water in her hair!
A few more pics before Lindsay left....this one taken by Wyatt...pretty good despite the fact that he could barely hold her camera b/c it's so much bigger than my little point 'n click.
Lindsay and the kids in their Miami t-shirts.
The week went much too quickly and she is preparing to leave for New Zealand in 10 days. It was definitely the most difficult goodbye we've had, but I'm sure the time will go fast and we are so excited for what God has planned for her and the people she'll be working with in NZ!!! (You can follow her on her journey through her blog on my sidebar.)
One last note---after Lindsay left I heard Wyatt saying, "We like Miami better than Wisconsin, right Mom?" We've been trying to undo this one!
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