I was in bed sleeping. Sadie was in bed sleeping. Matt was in bed sleeping until he heard a loud "crash"--which I slept right through. He jumped up and said, "Did you hear that?" I was half-asleep still and didn't hear anything, so Matt went to check out what was going on. I guess his protector instinct kicked in because he was ready to meet whatever he may have found as he walked down our stairs. He went into the kitchen and saw the refridgerator door open and the container of my infamous buckeyes (see previous post) sitting on the floor.
So he walked upstairs and into Wyatt's room. Wyatt was laying in bed eating buckeyes---AT 3:30AM!!!!! Matt asked if he had anymore and he revealed an additional buckeye in his hand under the covers. Matt had a little talk with him and came back to bed. (The crash was the sound of Wyatt's bedroom door slamming shut...must be difficult to close a door quietly when your hands are full of buckeyes!) Of course, Matt and I couldn't get over this for like 1/2 and hour. Apparently he loves them so much that when he wakes up at night, it's the first thing on his mind. And it's not like he doesn't get any....he had two after dinner! What 2-year old figures this stuff out? I thought this came when he was like 4 or 5!
Matt said to me as we were trying to fall back asleep, "I hope this isn't a foreshadowing of things to come when he's about 17 years old!" Let's just pray that it isn't!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Where were you at 3:30am?
Posted by Sorefam at 10:52 AM 2 comments
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Rotary Lights
I have to say that my favorite part about the Rotary Lights is the live nativity. They do this every weekend (thurs-sunday) and it's so moving. As you enter the park, you are greeted by a Centurion soldier taking a census (the reason Mary and Joseph were travelling to Bethlehem--Luke 2:1). The soldier greets your car and asks how many are in your vehicle, then shouts that number across the way to a scribe writing it down. Next, you see live sheep, donkeys (in picture above) and Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus in a stable with an angel above. As you keep driving, you come to a chorus of angels singing (Luke 2:13). And then you see the three wisemen with their gifts. It is so refreshing to see this display amidst all the other "Christmas stuff"--santa, reindeer, gifts, etc. Each year I see it, it is more and more moving to me and I'm really going to miss this when we move.
Staying warm out in the cold as we waited in line for hot chocolate.
Matt and the kids in Santa's sleigh.
We didn't last outside for very long, so I may take the kids back sometime this week to do the rest of the walking portion. The kids were exhausted by the time we got home, but it was well worth it.
Posted by Sorefam at 9:19 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 14, 2007
Happy Birthday Matt!!!!!!!!!
Today is Matt's 30TH birthday!!!! And he made me promise that I wouldn't throw a surprise party or do anything to embarass him. (The hospital Christmas party is this evening and he wouldn't go with me unless I promised I wouldn't do anything there either!) I really didn't like having to promise this, but it's his birthday, so I obiliged! (Plus, I know he really wouldn't like a surprise party.) So instead, I'm just notifying everyone via our blog. I'm sure he'll hate this too, but hopefully he'll forget about it once he reads the rest of the blog.
Posted by Sorefam at 3:09 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 9, 2007
These are the Buckeyes.....Matt and Wyatt's favorite Christmas cookie/candy. Both my mom and mother-in-law made these when Matt and I were kids and I've combined a bit of both recipes to make my own version. Matt even asked last week when I was going to be making these as, apparently, it doesn't really feel like Christmas until these are made. And since I have a cookie exchange to go to this week (and was asked by several people if I'd be bringing these), I spent much of yesterday in the kitchen making over 100 buckeyes. They were all done when Wyatt woke up from his nap yesterday and he was SO excited to have one. Of course, his eyes got HUGE when he opened the refridgerator and saw several cookie sheets full of them. We limited him to one after his nap and then of course, he and Matt had a few after dinner.
So that was yesterday.......This morning Sadie woke up first and I brought her into our room to feed her. Matt, Sadie and I were laying in our bed when we heard Wyatt's infamous steps as he got out of bed and went to open his door. But we didn't hear him open his door and several minutes had gone by. I looked at Matt and said, "Didn't you hear Wyatt get up?" To which Matt replied, "I thought so....maybe he's just playing in his room"....something he never does! Playing on his own is not one of his strengths......if there is anyone awake, you can bet Wyatt will be up as well. About a minute later, our door bursts open and Wyatt is holding a buckeye in his hand, "Can I have one Mommy?" he asks, with the biggest grin on his face. How could we say no?
We just looked at each other and smiled.....Wyatt has certainly figured out how to work the system! I guess a double batch of Buckeyes is only enough for my husband and a 2-year old......I fear in 10 years I may be making over 500 of them!!!!!!
Posted by Sorefam at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
I took this picture of the kids and I but had to turn the camera upside-down to reach the button to take a picture (as you can tell by the date on the top left!) But the picture actually turned out pretty well.
Posted by Sorefam at 2:58 PM 0 comments
Last chance
I am so behind on posts, but I am attempting to catch up. The kids and I took advantage of the warm weather (40 degrees) last week and went outside to play. And I'm sure glad we did since we are now burried in snow. But the kids loved being outside and being able to "ride bikes". This was the first time Sadie "rode" on this toy (one of the neighbors) and she loved it. She even figured out how to kick her legs and move. But of course, she was more enamored by Wyatt moving around! This face is so precious! Her eyes were locked on Wyatt the entire time. I was standing right by her taking this picture and she didn't blink once! The kids had a great time and although sunset is now around 4:30pm, we were able to go out for just a little bit and enjoy the weather.
Posted by Sorefam at 2:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 26, 2007
More posts to come once we recover!
Posted by Sorefam at 3:16 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I hope he always feels like this......
The kids and I went to Madison for a few days and got home on Saturday night. Matt was working late, so dinner got pushed back. I put Sadie down for bed and then Matt, Wyatt, and I ate dinner together and here is the conversation that took place.
Matt: Wyatt, do you want to have another baby? Would you like a brother?
Wyatt: Yes. Is it in Mommy's tummy yet?
Matt: No, not yet.
Wyatt: Where is it?
Matt: It's in heaven. Wyatt, do you know who lives in heaven?
Wyatt: We're livin' in heaven.
It was so sweet. And as the title of this post says, I hope he always feels like this.
Posted by Sorefam at 9:09 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
When did this happen?
Posted by Sorefam at 3:07 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 11, 2007
What a Great Day!
I am writing this post to help myself be more thankful for the little things in life. I would say that I am a pretty thankful person, but it always helps to reflect on the little things that make my day! I suppose that my "great day" really began last night. Matt and I got a babysitter and went out together for the first time since our anniversary in June. It's really sad that it had been so long. Many people hear that and say, "Yeah, we don't like to leave our kids with babysitters either." But in fact, we love babysitters! It's just the cost of them that keeps us from getting one more often. We have decided that our "date night" is pretty much nonexistent these days and it is something that will definitely change once residency (and now fellowship!) is over. Matt and I went out for dinner AND a movie!!! We saw "Dan in Real Life" and it was great!
It was funny yet serious, pretty clean, and had great acting. If you are a fan of "The Office" you know Steve Carell is a great actor. But after seeing this movie, we were even more impressed with him. I would definitely recommend this movie. And the funny parts were 'laugh out loud' funny.
My great day continued into the night. As many of you know, we have had the worst time trying to get Sadie to sleep at night. I thought that if we did the same things with Sadie that we did with Wyatt, she's follow in his footsteps. But of course, as anyone with more than one kid knows, each child is different and I am learning this daily! But back to my great day, Sadie slept through the night without having to eat once!!!!! We did get up twice and go in her room just to try and calm her down, but she cried for a few minutes each time and then went right back to sleep. Anyone with young kids knows what a huge difference sleep makes! Especially when it's been 7 1/2 months since we've gotten any good sleep. So when I woke up to hear Wyatt this morning and realized I hadn't fed Sadie, I was overjoyed! I felt like a million bucks.
And the morning continued in the same fashion. The kids were both in great moods, smiling and cooperating! Sadie had the biggest grin on her face from the moment I got her out of bed until she went down for a nap. She was so happy and content. And Wyatt was as well. When I usually tell Wyatt it's time to get dressed, we have a near meltdown. But today, he answered with, "Okay Mom." And this continued all morning.Things in our household were so peaceful it was eerie. So I began to take pictures to document this morning as it may not happen again for a LONG time!
Here were the kids playing quietly in the family room while I was eating some breakfast and Matt was reading the paper. Matt and I were actually able to carry on a full conversation with each other across the table--uninterrupted! Might I just add that neither of our kids are very quiet, so just the volume (or lack of it) in our house was astounding. Then as I began to clean up the kitchen, Wyatt asked if he could help. He is usually a great helper, so this wasn't too out of the ordinary. But here he was putting the soap into the dishwasher. He was just so cute, all dressed and ready for church, helping me clean up the kitchen. Usually on Sunday mornings, we are running late and the kitchen never even gets cleaned up until we get home. But thanks to Wyatt, we got it all done before we went to church and we even got to church on time (another thing I have to document since it rarely happens!)
When we got home from church, Matt decided to get his hockey gear all ready for tonight while I made lunch. (Men's open hockey on sunday nights) Of course, Wyatt LOVED getting to play with all Daddy's hockey gear. He tried everything on and wanted Matt to hold him to up the mirror so he could see himself. (Here he is wearing Matt's shoulder pads over his Brett Favre jersey--in honor of the Packers playing the Vikings today, in which they won, of course!)This picture is just priceless. Matt was trying on his helmet and Wyatt tried on another one of Matt's helmets and they were talking to each other with them on. Of course I would think it would be easier to have a conversation without a hockey helmet on, but this is one of the many reasons why a boy needs a Dad. It's great to see how Wyatt looks up to Matt and wants to do everything he does. At dinner the other night, I was watching Wyatt while Matt was praying and noticed that he folded his hands and bowed his head, but was looking at Matt's hands during the prayer and trying to fold his hands the same way. He spent most of the prayer trying to do everything the same way Matt was and it was just one of those priceless moments that I am so glad I was able to see. And I am even more thankful to be married to a man who I think is a great role model and example for Wyatt. If Wyatt grows up to be just like his Dad, he will be an unbelievable man of integrity and faith. And this is something I pray for everyday.
So this was my great day. And to top it off, as I alluded to earlier, the Packers beat the Vikings. Yet they didn't just beat them, they held them to a shutout! 34-0!
Posted by Sorefam at 2:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 5, 2007
C-BUS, Here we come!!
Most of you are probably wondering why on earth we, as proud University of Wisconsin Badger fans, would have this picture of an Ohio State flag on our blog. (Oh, and of course it's not Ohio State, but THE Ohio State University.) And it is a bit painful to put it on our blog after this weekend's beating that we suffered at the hands of the Buckeyes. However, we are actually very excited to say that we will be residents of Columbus, OH beginning next summer. Matt was offered an AOFAS (American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society) fellowship at Ohio State and we are so excited! He'll be one of three fellows in their program and it is a 1 year fellowship. It's a huge accomplishment for Matt as AOFAS fellowships are almost always filled by orthopaedic surgeons (I think there have only been a handful of podiatrists selected across the country over the past 20 years). This comes after MUCH praying and seeking God's will in our lives and be willing to do whatever He wanted. And what a blessing this is!
Posted by Sorefam at 2:07 PM 5 comments
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Wyatt giving Sadie a hug after dinner.
Snoopy and Brett Favre in front of our pumpkins that Wyatt and I carved yesterday at the last minute!
Posted by Sorefam at 12:25 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 26, 2007
What a cutie!!!
I just couldn't resist posting some of these pictures of Sadie. Her smile is so great and contagious!
She sits with such great posture and seems so proud of herself. She loves playing with her toys and watching Wyatt--he can do just about anything and she seems amazed! We were at my parents this past weekend and after we put Wyatt to bed, Sadie, my sis Lindsay, my mom and I stayed up and played for a bit. I feel like I rarely get to spend much time with just Sadie, so it was lots of fun. And she obviously loved it!
This was her "modeling pose". She just turned to look at my mom and she looked like she was striking a pose. This picture was hilarious because she just looked at me as I was taking the picture, put her hands on her legs, and made this face! We were dying laughing just looking at the picture...thanks goodness for digital pictures!
The smiley girl.....mind you, this was about 45 minutes past her bedtime and she was probably a bit hungry as well. But whenever she's got undivided attention (code for Wyatt being gone) she just eats it up.
This last picture I took the other night as I was trying to get a picture of her first tooth (why I was doing this, I'm not really sure.) Anways, the camera bumped her in the head and she made this face---no crying, just the face. But it was too adorable to leave off this post! And she obviously doesn't smile all the time...just most of the time! Now if only I could get her to sleep at night!
Posted by Sorefam at 2:42 PM 3 comments