So Halloween finally arrived and Wyatt got to wear his costume ALL DAY! We left the helmet at home, though, for fear that it may be used as a weapon (inadvertantly, of course!) We had lots of Halloween activies this week, so I'm putting pictures from all those in this one post.
This picture was taken last friday at the party for all the resident's kids. We are blessed to have such a great community of resident families here in La Crosse and it was fun to have all the kids together. I think we managed to get all the kids in this picture....Wyatt is jumping off the step in the front and Sadie is sitting on the grass right in front.
Sadie was Snoopy--Wyatt's old costume--and thankfully she was able to stay warm!
This picture was taken before we went to the "Spooktacular" party on Saturday that the hospital puts on for all staff and their families. As you can tell, we had just woken up from our nap but couldn't wait to get to the party!
Here are Matt and Wyatt going down one of the many slides and 'blow up things' at the Spooktacular. We also got our picture taken infront of a pirate ship, while Matt and I both have real toucan birds on our arms! I may try and scan it in later, so you can check back for that picture. I thought it would be so much fun to get it taken (it was free, of course) but while I was holding the bird on my arm, I was beginning to freak out!

Wyatt giving Sadie a hug after dinner.
This picture was taken on Sunday--it doesn't really have anything to do with Halloween--but the weather was still warm enough for a bike ride and Wyatt had been begging to go for days. This was Sadie's first trip in the bike trailer and they both did great! Wyatt was such a great, protective big brother and Sadie was just talking the entire time!

Snoopy and Brett Favre in front of our pumpkins that Wyatt and I carved yesterday at the last minute!
When we got home, we dumped all the candy out on the table and began to eat. I have to say that Wyatt was so great while we were trick or treating. It was getting cold, so we said, "Brett Favre, you gotta run!" He ran for awhile and then stopped and said, "Brett Favre's hurt!" Matt and I were dying. And I think he's the only kid that asked to go home before we had gone to all the houses in resident housing!
Friends of ours gave us some extremely sour candy and this is Matt attempting to eat it---none of us were able to finish an entire piece.
And here is Wyatt making an attempt!
Sadie was cracking us all up because she would reach as far as she could, contorting her body, just to try and get a piece of candy. Matt was holding her here and she just would not stop going for the candy. At one point, she grabbed a placemat and all the candy on the table ended up on the floor.
We had a great Halloween and got lots of use out of Wyatt's costume. And I'm sure we'll still be wearing it until it's too small for him! Now we just have to deal with Wyatt wanting to eat candy 24-7. His first question this morning was, "Can I eat my candy?"
Wyatt giving Sadie a hug after dinner.
Snoopy and Brett Favre in front of our pumpkins that Wyatt and I carved yesterday at the last minute!
Oh how I wish it was cold enough here to bundle up!!! H and I just rode the bike to the park to play. I wore shorts and a t-shirt and I'm still sweating. I love cold weather.
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