One of my favorite things about this time of year is the snow. I can't get enough of it! We got lots this weekend and then on Tuesday is snowed all day and dropped another 2-4". Wyatt couldn't wait to play in it, so we headed out during Sadie's nap on Tuesday to do some shoveling and cleaning off the cars (I can't wait for a garage!). Nothing is better than having a white Christmas--let's just hope it stays cold so that it doesn't melt!
Once Sadie woke up, she joined us outside and loved going for rides in the little baby sled! I don't have snowpants or a snowsuit for her yet, so I bundled her up tight in a blanket. She was quite the trooper in such cold weather when you aren't moving around much.
I took this picture of the kids and I but had to turn the camera upside-down to reach the button to take a picture (as you can tell by the date on the top left!) But the picture actually turned out pretty well.
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