The beginning of the end….our goodbyes started about a week before we moved with dinner with our small group. Man am I thankful for these couples! I can't even put into words what this group meant to us over the last year. We joined their small group about two years ago when we started attending Faith Community Church in Hudson. And what was intended to be a small group/Bible study between 5 couples quickly progressed into a 'support group' as we all called it, to help us get through the struggles and stresses of life. We shared life's burdens with one another--and it definitely lightened the load to know that although none of our struggles could be taken away, we weren't alone in walking through them. We prayed for one another, shared our fears and ideas, dreams and goals and disappointments. I am so thankful for these couples (as well as the Bangtsons, who moved to Wausau a year ago) and felt refreshed with every moment we spent with them. They will be missed dearly!
(l to r, Todd and Anna Holter, Matt and I, Zach and Nikki McCabe, Josh and Kim Agrimson)
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