After a relaxing morning lying around in our pjs, we walked/biked down to the Scribner's to dye some easter eggs. One of the kids asked why we dye eggs at Easter and when we didn't have an answer for them, they said, "It's probably because Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday so that's why we dye eggs." Pretty good guess if you ask me!
Onyx was all set to go
11 dozen eggs
Mixing up the dye...Blake loved being in with all the big kids
Dixie explaining all the different dying processes
(and she intentionally wore all black--no sack cloth, however)
Such a good listener
Wyatt and Titus listening to Dixie's instructions
And then the chaos began!
(Actually, it went much more smoothly than we had anticipated and we only had a few broken eggs)
..peeling the tape off for the big reveal...
Keaton's favorite egg
Keaton's "I love mom" egg with his mom, Dionne
Sadie tie-dying her egg
Titus's favorite egg
Wyatt's fav
These two were the most patient and artistic dyers of them all...
After about 30 minutes, this is what the table looked like....yep, Jada and Sadie were still patiently working away at their creations while everyone else was done and moved on.
Dixie had made a sign for one of the neighbor kids who was having a birthday, so the kids colored this once their eggs were done. I love Blake's attentiveness to her drawing....
Not sure if we have another lefty in our family or if he just likes to copy everything his brother does....time will tell.
Addi's favorite's hard to read, but it says, "Scribby loves" with 2 hockey sticks underneath
Sadie's fav
For the record, we dye eggs every year but no one in our family likes to eat them. Titus, however, loves them. So Wyatt attempted to eat one with him...
And still didn't like them! I can't blame him--I think they are disgusting!
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