When Matt and I started dating, my sister-in-law was just 7 years old.....and now she's graduating from high school. We are so proud of all Mollie has accomplished and are excited that next year she will be headed to Kanakuk Kamps Link Year. (I was a counselor at Kanakuk and Mollie was a camper there for several years---truly, it is an unbelievable place and she is one of only 50 people chosen for this experience.)
Sadie and the guest of honor
My brother-in-law's wife, Christy, made all these cupcakes for the party
She is a wonderful baker and put so much time and energy in to these
The highlight of the party for my kids? The cotton candy machine!
Sadie and Auntie Cam
Mollie and Christy
Wyatt, Sadie, Jana (Ty's girlfriend) and Uncle Ty
Matt and his parents
Notice a pattern here in Blake's food consumption?
Kyle and Christy brought along their new puppy, Oswald Rutherford Sorensen the 3rd....or Ozzie for short...a basset hound puppy
The bros
The guest of honor and her brothers......this was right before the 'incident'
As the guys were putting Mollie down, they accidentally dropped her in an attempt to be discreet with her dress.....seconds later, Matt bent over Mollie to make sure she was okay while she simultaneously decided to get up, throwing her hair back over her head and whipping her head up towards the sky.....and then the incident happened.....
Matt's nose and Mollie's head collided and we all heard a crack that sounded like two crocket balls hitting each other....
He was in so much pain....but couldn't help but laugh at everyone's comments!
not too bad...after about 20+ minutes of icing
Blake was pretty concerned
But while Matt was recovering, Wyatt and Blake were playing crocket with both of their grandpas
..and a short while later, Sadie walked up to us, proud to show off what she had gathered....
..until we all explained what those were for and how they needed to stay in the ground...but she still wasn't too upset about it!
A bit more crocket...Matt's Dad, brothers, Cammie's boyfriend and Wy
I think this may have been #3 or #4 for Sadie....
..our little operator, attempting to turn it on himself..
Grammy (Matt's grandma) and Mollie
The sibs
When I was taking this picture, Wyatt yelled out, "That's a small family".....What?? Not sure what would constitute big, then
The whole crazy crew
And the next day at brunch....we were commenting about how Mom thought she had gotten a big enough table when they redid the kitchen, but leave it to us to outgrow the biggest table...
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