On Friday night, we went to church with our neighbors for a kids' Pumpkin festival. I had to take these pictures of the kids in the car on our way there--it cracked me up to see this in my rearview mirror!
Sadie was "Miss Spider" from
the book "Miss Spider's Tea Party"


Sadie really looks up to our neighbors 2 daughters (Gracie is Wyatt's age and Lily is 8yrs. old) and since they were getting their hair 'colored', Sadie had to as well!

Of course she picked pink!

She wasn't sure about getting her face painted, so we opted for getting her hand painted....and she chose a cute little ladybug! (Don't you just love the pink hair?!)
Once he saw that she lived through the whole ordeal, he was okay with getting it done as well
And his choice? A spiderweb of course!

This is a terrible picture but I had to include it on here. The guys sitting at this table were like "Science Guys" doing all kinds of cool 'experiments' and tricks for the kids to watch. Wyatt was so intrigued with it all, despite the fact that much of it was way over his head. But he still listened intently and got really excited when the guy in the black shirt showed the kids the hydrogen car (see the little white thing on the table). When he said, "This car runs on water!" Wyatt turned around and looked at us with huge eyes and said, "Wow!" Maybe he'll be an engineer someday like his Pops! He definitely was fascinated by this more than all the candy and games!

Then home to carve some pumpkins!!
(Nothing like waiting until the night before Halloween)
So excited to begin the carving!

And it's serious business whenever you give Matt a scalpel, er, i mean a carving knife!

(Gotta love the pink hair--thankfully it came out easily!)

Sadie was all fun and games--the boys on the other hand, had a serious plan of attack and took their carving very seriously.

Now on to carving Daddy's pumpkin
(I tried to take a better picture of all the pumpkins, but
Sadie's just wouldn't stay lit--so sorry about the blurry picture! At least
you can see what Sadie's little one looked like!)

Halloween is finally here! Bring on the candy..

Another picture taken inside after they were done trick-or-treating.
The great thing about having younger kids is that they don't last very
long! They started getting cold AND were dying to eat their candy.

The kids had a great time and it was even more fun living in a neighborhood with SO many kids. We had our first experience of getting 'booed'. We had never heard of this before, but during the weeks leading up to Halloween, someone will leave a bag of candy on your doorstep, ring the doorbell, and run away. And inside the bag is a little picture of a ghost to hang in your window so everyone in the neighborhood knows if you've already been 'booed'. The kids LOVED this and I think they like 'booing' more than getting 'booed'. But they are already talking about what they want to dress up as for Halloween next year!
wyatt and Sadie, I love you pumpkins and your costumes. I hope you saved a piece of candy for me!! We were at Ty's hockey game instead of trick or treating so I didn't get any candy this year.
It looks like you had so much fun in your neighborhood and at the party at church!!
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