It seems like things have been so busy around here lately that I haven't done a very good job at keeping up on the daily stuff--but since I started this blog as a sort of journal for myself to be able to look back on someday, I figured I should update a few things.
Currently, this is Sadie's favorite book. She practically has it memorized and wants to read it all the time. She reads it to her dolls and has Wyatt read it to her whenever he offers to read her a book. (Clarification: He isn't reading yet, but has many books memorized that he 'reads' her and this is one of them.)
Now on to potty training-a bit of a sore subject for me. I started potty training Sadie about 3 weeks ago and as is the case with everything else in my life, if I do something I do it 100%. So we went straight from diapers to big girl underwear--no pull-ups (except at night) and we stayed at home for the first three days to really get this down. She was having some accidents, which is to be expected from a 2-yr old, but was also telling me when she had to go. However, she had yet to tell me when she had to go #2. By the end of the first week, we had #1 down and she even told me when we went swimming, which I was really surprised by. But after two full weeks of this, we had yet to experience going #2 on the potty. She would just go wherever she was, which included going outside when she had no underwear on (just a dress), going in her underwear, etc. And I thought that if I just stuck with it, she'd start to tell me. But nope--she just kept going and I spent two full weeks cleaning it up! I tried everything but came to the conclusion that she must not be quite ready, so we are back in diapers (which I'm still trying to tell myself is not a failure on my part) and we'll try again in about a month. She doesn't seem to mind the diapers, so I guess this means she may not be ready as most kids I know hate going back to diapers after wearing underwear. We'll see where we are in about a month but I'd really like to get this 'done' before we move into our new house!!
Sadie's hair--another pain! This poor little girl still has the thinnest, stringy hair that is so hard to manage. I can't put it in pigtails much because it makes the ends break off and I can't seem to keep it under control......for example,

...this is what she looks like when she wakes up in the morning. And I have to say that this looks fairly mild because I made her wait in her bed while I grabbed the camera and it settled down a bit in just those few moments! Poor girl---someday she'll have hair, I hope!
And my final thoughts on my precious little girl for the moment--she can entertain a room! Her facial expressions and little comments can make an entire room erupt in laughter (and she knows it)! Here is a picture of her listening to her Papa hide his phone and then find it behind her ear. They did this about 3 or 4 times and her response everytime was as if she'd never heard it before. It made us all laugh even more than she did.

"Turn on the lights, people"

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