We are finally recovering from our 2-week trip to Wisconsin, but I'm certainly not complaining. Taking a vacation always seems like more work, but it's completely worth it. The kids and I flew to Madison the day after Mother's Day--Matt had boards the following week and was studying all the time and we had some flight vouchers to use up, so the kids and I took off. We weren't looking forward to being away from Matt, but so excited to see our families and friends in WI.
Then we were off to La Crosse the next week for a few days to visit our friends..
We stayed with our friends the Caldarella's--Leo and Wyatt are about the same age and Sadie and Jac were born just 5 days apart. So we had so much fun spending time with them.
Sadie loves babies--have I mentioned this lately? She had fun playing with the boys, but was much more interested in playing with AJ half the time. See pictures....
We got back to Madison and the next day, Matt flew in. It had been almost two weeks since we had seen him and the kids were dying to see him. Unfortunately, we had to leave right away to drive up to the cities and look at houses. So once we got back to Madison, it was time to relax and spend time with family.

Auntie Cam stopped by and brought the kids a little surprise, which they always love.

T-shirts from the "T-shirt Deli" in Chicago
These are so cool--they come wrapped like this, as if there were sandwiches--in a deli bag complete with potato chips

While we were at my parents, Wyatt spent just about every waking moment helping Nani and Pops outside--mowing the lawn, planting the garden, pulling weeds, fertilizing--all things my parents love doing and it seems Wyatt may share in that.

He was so proud of all his work in the garden and Nani promised to take pictures of everything and send them, so he can see how it's all growing! He actually spent an entire afternoon in this garden with my parents--when they started, it was a tilled-up mess and when they were done, it looked like this! Great work Wyatt.
We were so thankful for our time with family and friends. We also found a house in the cities and our offer was accepted. So we are now back in Columbus, finishing up our one-year fellowship and anticipating the next stage in our life which will begin shortly--new job, done with training, new city, new home, new baby, etc. Just a few changes, but we are so excited about it all!
It was great to see you guys! Can you send me the pics of Drew and Wyatt?
kris, i love the pictures!!! so fun to see spring in madison!
love you,
You have a busy couple months ahead of you. Enjoy all the new changes. Hopefully, come fall, things will settle down a bit, until December, that is. :) Thanks for the b-day card! Loved it! Talk soon!
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