Wyatt woke up on Halloween at 5am asking if it was time to go trick or treating yet--I knew it would be a long day. But the time finally arrived and he was so excited. Wyatt went as Brett Favre (of the Packers) for the 2nd year in a row and Sadie went as a WI cheerleader. I loved that Wyatt was still excited to be Brett Favre for another year and it was great because he was definitely the only Green Bay Brett Favre we saw!
I love this pic---Wyatt was so serious about taking his picture as a football player and Sadie was just watching him!

Sadie got a sucker at the first house we went to and was content to just follow us around and suck on it....she was such a mess but so happy.

The great thing about trick or treating at this age is that it doesn't take long and just a small amount of candy makes them so happy. We went to about 10 houses and were done. But the kids wanted to sit outside and eat some of their candy.

After trick or treating, we headed up to church where they had a HUGE party complete with games, candy, straw maze, and every blow-up play thing you could imagine. Wyatt was of course immediately drawn to the hockey shot game and got a goal on his first try!

Matt and the kids on the giant slide

It was a fun night but I am really thankful that Halloween is over. I was getting really sick of all the scary stuff we saw everywhere we went. I'm fine with the kids dressing up and getting candy, but we don't allow any 'scary' costumes or witches, devils, etc. It's just not edifying for anyone and Wyatt's not really at an age where he needs to hear about witches, death, tombstones, ghosts, demons, etc. They are all very real things that someday I will explain to him but not yet. The poor kid finally said, "Mom, let's not go by the scary houses" or "Let's not go down the scary aisle" at the store. If only everyone could keep this 'holiday' fun and upbeat! But thankfully it's over for another year.

Sadie got a sucker at the first house we went to and was content to just follow us around and suck on it....she was such a mess but so happy.

The great thing about trick or treating at this age is that it doesn't take long and just a small amount of candy makes them so happy. We went to about 10 houses and were done. But the kids wanted to sit outside and eat some of their candy.

After trick or treating, we headed up to church where they had a HUGE party complete with games, candy, straw maze, and every blow-up play thing you could imagine. Wyatt was of course immediately drawn to the hockey shot game and got a goal on his first try!

Matt and the kids on the giant slide
At the end of the night, Wyatt had to dump out all the candy and inspect each piece.

It was a fun night but I am really thankful that Halloween is over. I was getting really sick of all the scary stuff we saw everywhere we went. I'm fine with the kids dressing up and getting candy, but we don't allow any 'scary' costumes or witches, devils, etc. It's just not edifying for anyone and Wyatt's not really at an age where he needs to hear about witches, death, tombstones, ghosts, demons, etc. They are all very real things that someday I will explain to him but not yet. The poor kid finally said, "Mom, let's not go by the scary houses" or "Let's not go down the scary aisle" at the store. If only everyone could keep this 'holiday' fun and upbeat! But thankfully it's over for another year.
The kids look great. It looks like Sadie had a fun time. Did you get any sour candy again this year.
How cute are your kids? It looks like you all had lots of fun. I love that churches are hosting fun parties for the kids!
wyatt is such a serious football player!!! can you please e-mail me some of your favorite pics from the pumpkin patch (including you and matt so i have pics of your fam)? love you and will try to call soon!!!
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