I am a few weeks behind on my posts due to our move and I am trying to catch up before it becomes impossible to do so........SO, bear with me as I purge all my thoughts and photos!
Our last Side by Side of the year was at the Splash Park in La Crosse. And it was only about 70 degrees, but the kids didn't seem to care! They were in their swimsuits and splashing around. I have said it before, but I'll say it again, I am really going to miss all these women and their kids.

Patty and Sadie---I love this picture because Patty is one of my dearest friends and she is always willing to help with kids--despite the fact that it's been years since hers were this young. But she never minds getting spit up on, dirty, etc. ---as noted by the fact that she is wearing a white shirt and holding Sadie, with chocolate cookie in hand, so closely!! She just enjoys helping others and being able to spend time with our kids---and those of you who are moms know how much it means when someone truly cares for your kids and isn't bothered by all the "stuff" that comes with having kids. I hope I can be like this someday!
Wyatt and Brogan----they weren't too sure about the water at this point!
Wyatt and Bella--I love this picture because you could just add about 13 years to their lives and this picture would still be the same.....
Wyatt, Bella, and Leo all trying to get a drink
loved the water and was surprised by it just a few times! This picture isn't at a great angle, but if you look closely, you can see the excitement on her face as her mouth was wide open!
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