A few weeks ago the kids and I made a short trip over to MN to see our friend Jessie and her kids. They went through residency with us and have graduated into the next stage of life---i.e, owning a house, having a 'real' job, possibly staying in one location for longer than a few years, etc. They moved in January but thankfully we have been able to see them often as they don't live very far away and have come back to La Crosse about once a week. We had a GREAT time at their house---we stayed until 4pm which is huge for Wyatt. He has only gone without a nap once in his life and it took him about 3 days to recover. But he had such a blast with Jackson and Caleb and they got along great. Of course this would happen once they move away!!! We miss having them here so badly and Wyatt talks about them constantly. Here are a few pics from our day there......

....climbing fences and teasing the neighbors dogs (easily done when the dogs are in cages)...
.....laughing hysterically while having a snack.....
Their home backs up to a horse pasture and it was a beautiful day to go out and see the horses. As I mentioned in a previous post about the ducks, Sadie loves animals and wants to touch them--no matter how big they are. She was trying to climb the fence while Wyatt wasn't even sure if he wanted to get on the fence at first!
I just love this picture of the boys! Wyatt, Jackson, and Caleb got into all kinds of boy stuff---dirt, climbing, running, hitting balls, grunting....you name it! Wyatt was definitely in his element with these boys.
And while the boys were doing all this outside, Jess and I were able to spend some great time together inside catching up. And sweet Sadie loved exploring inside as well.

We are excited to be moving in a few months, but until then we'll be trying to maximize our time with these guys!!!! It was such a great day and the kids had a great time---and were absolutely exhausted that night.
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