Today is Sadie's first birthday! I can't believe that it's been a year already---it has gone SO much faster than Wyatt's first year and I've been able to enjoy it so much more (knowing that it doesn't last forever). And poor Sadie, she woke up this morning, March 21st, to this outside!!!!But growing up in WI, it seemed I had many birthday parties canceled due to snow storms so maybe it's a sign of things to come for Sadie!
A review (in pictures) of Sadie's first year
This picture was taken in the hospital...notice the size of Matt's hand on Sadie's little head...she was so tiny!!!! (A full 2 lbs smaller than her brother.)
Sleeping on Daddy's chest at the hospital....already charming him!!
I love this much joy in such a little body!!
What great kids to both smile at the same time for their mother!
Doesn't she look so proud to be with her brother? "Look at me, mom. I'm a big kid just like Wyatt."
This picture was just taken last week after she got her first sucker...we were at a birthday party for several kids (including Sadie) and each kid got a treat bag. Sadie quickly found her sucker and wouldn't let it go.
Sadie is such a joy to our family and Matt and I are constantly amazed by all the 'personality' in this little body. She does not hesitate to show her disapproval (or approval) to anyone! She is content to be who she is, sassy when necessary, and can light up a room with her smile. We are so thankful to have her in our family and look forward to many more years of experiencing life with Sadie Joan.
Happy birthday little Sadie Sorensen! How much you've grown little precious one! You are such a sweet girl and we can't wait to see you and Elle become good friends!! We love you! The Sullivans
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