I haven't posted much about the Christmas season, so I am backtracking a bit to get caught up. Sadie started crawling during this Christmas season, so it made for an interesting time in keeping the ornaments on the tree. As you can see by the progression of the pictures, Sadie sees it as a challenge to get ornaments off of the tree--and she's thrilled when she gets one off.
We spent a few days leading up to Christmas with my family and it was fun to have us all at home. Wyatt was so excited about Santa this year and, as you can see by the picture below, wanted to look for Santa with my sister Lindsay. Luckily, he doesn't realize that they don't have a chimney and it's just a gas fireplace. I'm sure someday he'll realize this, but for this year, he was just so excited about trying to see if he could see Santa.

My sisters and I---I used to give my sisters' piggy back rides when we were younger, but this attempt was a bit more challenging! We always have so much fun when we are together, and this year was no different.

Sadie--my precious little girl!

Wyatt had so much fun on Christmas Eve morning opening all his gifts. Here he was opening up all the John Deere tractors he got from Pops.

Wyatt also got a Buzzlightyear pez dispenser from Santa and Sadie found the candy. She was pretty quiet while we were opening gifts and didn't realize that she wasn't just chewing on the wrapper, but she was actually sucking on the candy! No wonder she was so upset when we took it away.

My parents got Sadie her very own toy, but as you can see here, Wyatt wanted to operate it. Luckily, she didn't seem to mind to much as she's used to Wyatt being all over her.
After a long morning of gift opening and food, Sadie was exhausted! She is such a cuddler and loves to be held, so my sister Lindsay really enjoyed being able to hold her while she slept.
We finally got a family picture taken of us right after Christmas Eve service at church. This is always my favorite church service of the year, and this year we let Wyatt sit with us during the service. He loved the songs and especially the portion of the service when each person lights their candle and sings "Silent Night".

We had a great time at my family's house. We headed over to Matt's family's late on Christmas Eve, but would return to my family's house later on in the week.
Hi! When did Sadie start walking? I can't wait for Ellison to walk! We are getting closer. I love reading your blog! Keep the posts coming. Jen
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