Last week, Sadie and Blake and I were finally able to visit my good friend Steph and meet her little girls, Claire and Ellie. Steph had twin girls almost 8 weeks ago and also has a 2yr old son Charlie. Despite the fact that they only live about an hour and a half away, we still hadn't been able to make it down to see them until last week. The kids had colds for awhile that I didn't want to expose the girls to, but Sadie was quite persistent in asking to meet Claire and Ellie. And since they were born at 36 weeks and weighed under 5lbs at birth, they were still pretty small when we finally went to see them!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Highlight of her week
Posted by Sorefam at 3:24 PM 1 comments
Short Pants
I took these pictures last month to show what a difficult time I am having keeping clothing in my kids' closets that actually fits them.....
Posted by Sorefam at 3:05 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 16, 2011
Growing up
It seems like Wyatt has 'grown-up' more this year than any other year of his life. And I am sure the primary reason for that has been Kindergarten. He has gained so much confidence, learned so much and made so many friends that have contributed to him maturing in his 6th year of life. And part of that growing up also means that he has his own opinion about things.....
Posted by Sorefam at 4:00 PM 0 comments
More on Blaker.....
Blake had a rough winter when it came to sickness/infections/etc. So unfortunately, he spent a fair amount of time in doctor's offices. But as a result, he LOVES playing with out doctor kit and knows how to use each tool...he'll listen to your heart, look in your ears and your mouth, and even your eyes. It has turned into a family event...we all sit around and let Blake examine us!
Posted by Sorefam at 3:49 PM 1 comments
Is winter over?
It's May 16th and I believe we can now safely say that winter is Minnesota is over. But just last week we had temperature highs in the it hasn't been warm here for very long! And we had the 4th snowiest winter on record in Minnesota. That being said, I just wanted to document the fact that Matt and I together shovelled over 86.8 inches this winter. That's over 7 feet of snow!! And I say over 86.8 inches that we shovelled because we get HUGE snow drifts out front of our house that resulted in shovelling more snow than directly fell from the sky. We have had many friends and family kindly tease us about not having a snowblower and I can't say we'll never get one, but Matt and I actually enjoyed it this winter. There were several nights where we would put the kids to bed and head back outside in the quiet and cold white winter wonderland and shovel together, talking and laughing. It was a great workout and we are thankful to be in good enough health to be able to do it as well. So although we are hoping not to see snow for several months, we did enjoy the 7+ ft of snow this winter and the amount of work we put in to keeping our driveway clear.
Posted by Sorefam at 3:40 PM 0 comments
This is just about the only time that Blake is still.....And he is so sweet when he is! I was once heard a mother say that God created naps for mothers to fall back in love with their children and this couldn't be more true than with Blake! He can be a lot of work and exhausting, but just look at that sweet boy!
Posted by Sorefam at 3:34 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Princess Sadie
I am so behind on posting so I am attempting to catch up this week! Several weeks ago Sadie and I watched the Royal Wedding together. I had DVRed it so we could watch it Saturday morning while Matt took the boys to Wyatt's baseball pictures. So we made some tea and scones, used my good china and sat in our pajamas and watched away.
Sadie was amazed that we were watching a 'real princess' wedding and loved every moment of it. Afterwards, she asked if I would tie her blankie around her so she could have a 'dress that touches the floor' (i.e, a train).
Posted by Sorefam at 3:11 PM 1 comments