Many of our friends and family have known for many years that Matt and I wanted to settle down in the twin cities. We have many good friends who live here and we just love the cities--the entertainment, sports, parks, culture, living 'up north', etc. So we knew that we would love being here. But we didn't expect to love the neighborhood we live in quite as much as we do. I've said it before, but we truly feel so blessed to have bought a house where we did. We live on a street full of GREAT families with GREAT kids who have welcomed our family with open arms. I have so many memories of playing with the kids in my neighborhood growing up and am so glad that my kids will be able to have a similar experience!
Last week I took a few pictures of the kids playing outside on one of the newly excavated lots on our street. (And I am also so thankful that they have ample dirt/fields/woods to explore in!)
Monday, May 24, 2010
A great place to live
Posted by Sorefam at 3:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 23, 2010
The moments a mom lives for
A good friend of mine in La Crosse gave me this pandora charm bracelet when we left for Ohio. I love the bracelet and have been slowly adding charms to it ever since. This past Valentine's Day, Matt got me these three charms that you see in the picture, representing each of the kids' birthstones. Wyatt's is on the far left, Sadie is in the middle, and Blake's is on the right. When Matt gave them to me on Valentine's Day, the kids were so excited for me to open my gift since they had gone with Matt to get them and knew how much I'd love them. Periodically, Wyatt will ask which one is his and which is Sadie's or Blake's. But yesterday, as we sat at the Minnesota Twins game, Wyatt was looking at it and then looked at me and said, "Mommy, Blake and I are on the outside of Sadie so we can protect her, because we are her brothers." And that was of those moments that you live for as a mom. And it came in the middle of a crowded baseball stadium, out of the blue, and with no further thoughts afterwards. He just said it and moved on to his next thought. But for me, it was a comment that I just treasured, knowing that he thinks about protecting his little sister at times when he could be thinking about a million other things.
Posted by Sorefam at 9:42 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 21, 2010
This girl....
Just had to post a few pictures of Sadie to remind myself what a sweet little girl she can be.....the operative word being 'can' be. She has perfected the art of independence and listening to Matt or I only when it fits in to her life, which is not very often these days. I alternate between frustration with her and feeling sorry for her. Don't get me wrong, she's got it pretty good! But I try and be sensitive to the 'middle child' thing right now. Her big brother gets to do lots of fun and exciting things that she doesn't (school, Tball, play dates with friends, etc) and her little brother gets lots of attention for being a baby (and a really great baby at that). So she has managed to figure out a way to get lots of attention herself, albeit negative attention! And all of her 'friends' are really Wyatt's friends that she likes to think are her friends. So come this fall, I think preschool will be really good for her to meet other kids her age and give her something that is all her own. But in the meantime, I've got to figure out how to give her the attention she needs to help bring out that sweet girl that I see glimpses of each day.And the other difficult part right now is that any form of discipline we use with her doesn't seem to be negative. She doesn't seem to mind any of it!! And that is seriously frustrating. So I've now added these concerns to my ever-growing list of things that are on my mind lately (and I don't think my brain can handle anymore, although I'm sure there will be about 4 more things before the day is done--that's a post all on its own!)
Posted by Sorefam at 2:38 PM 4 comments
Thursday, May 20, 2010
We were in the car last night, on our way to get some ice cream, when matt and I heard Sadie and Wyatt fighting over a pair of sunglasses in the back seat. We didn't turn around to see what was going on, but apparently Sadie had some sunglasses and was doing something with them that Wyatt didn't approve of. (I believe they were his old pair of sunglasses). This is what we heard next, before bursting in to laughter.
Wyatt: "Sadie, there are rules for those sunglasses."
Sadie: no response, but still listening
Wyatt:, "Well, Rule #1 is no biting them. Rule #2 is no putting them on top of your head. Rule #3 is that you have to wear them on your eyes."
Sadie: no verbal response, but continues to do whatever she was doing previously with them.
Wyatt: "SA-die, i told you the rules."
Sadie: no response, drops the glasses a few moments later
Wyatt:"Sadie, there is another rule. Rule #4, no dropping them"
Posted by Sorefam at 1:58 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
My first pieces
Matt and I have always loved art of all mediums; paintings, drawings, pottery, sculptures, etc. And we really want our kids to be surrounded by art as well and have an appreciation for the gifts that God has given people. So when a friend of mine had her first show at a gallery in Madison, I was so bummed I couldn't go. But I looked at her pictures on facebook and immediately fell in love with two of the much so, that I emailed her and told her I had to have them; the beginning of our very own collection of original artwork. And not only did I love the pieces, but i also loved the narrative behind them. (And bonus: they look they were commissioned just for my house. The colors match amazingly well!)So, the bear with me because if you aren't a fan of abstract art, you might not appreciate this, but that's fine. Thankfully there is an art form to fit each person's taste and style. Both paintings were inspired by Isaiah 55 as a picture of nature's response to God. The green one is called "Clap Their Hands" and the blue one "Movement". "Clap their Hands" is a picture of the trees, grass, etc clapping their hands in praise to God. The blue one, "Movement", is the waters and the waves moving in praise to their Creator. And as part of his creation, our response is also to worship Him. For my friend who created these, that translates into painting. And for each of us, it's something different. Matt and I have always marvelled at the amazing creation we are surrounded by, so these pieces are so fitting to have in our home. And my friend's husband framed them in reclaimed barnwood--perfect, don't you think?
Posted by Sorefam at 3:12 PM 1 comments
Things to remember...
I am one of those people who throws everything out or gives it away, rather than keeping things--mostly because I don't like clutter and trying to keep track of thing that seem to have little meaning (or at least won't for a long time). So I have been taking pictures of Wyatt's school projects from the year and had a few I thought I would post.
Wyatt's picture of his family......(he created this curing their 'free coloring' time when they could draw anything they wanted). This was done earlier in the school year, as you'll notice the lack of bodies....just heads, arms, and legs. Blake has only half a body and Sadie seems to be the only one with knees.
This picture came home with him just last week. I was so proud of him for writing our names (he said he couldn't remember how to spell Blake's name) and the few people he got on here actually had bodies this time!
And I am so proud of how great his penmanship (do they still call it that?) has gotten! The kids write their names on these papers each day and for the first half of the year, they traced the letters. But after Christmas, they had to write their names without tracing. And his teacher is very particular that they get it exactly as it appears. The "Y" threw him off for quite awhile, but he's got it now!
Posted by Sorefam at 2:42 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Fastest 5 mos. of our lives
I truly cannot believe that Blake is 5 months old already. Matt and I were talking about this the other day and just feel like the past 5 months have absolutely flown by--much faster than they did with Sadie and Wyatt. I'm not sure if it's because our day-to-day lives didn't change as much when Blake was born or because he's such a great baby, but for the first time since I became a mother, I'm not ready for this to keep happening. I wish I could push pause on my kids' lives right now......but I don't think that will be happening!
A few changes this month.....he began to get frustrated with simply laying on the floor and rolling around and since he HATES the Bumbo, we pulled out the exersaucer, which he LOVES!!!! He's gotten really good at grabbing things and seems to really enjoy being 'part of the action'. He is even learning to 'walk' in the exersaucer (something I'm really not ready for!)
Posted by Sorefam at 3:15 PM 1 comments
Tired anyone??
Last week was our first week of swimming lessons and T-ball at the same time! Prior to last week they weren't going on simultaneously, but last week was so busy and we were all exhausted. Last Saturday I went upstairs to get ready for my date with my husband before our babysitter came over and this was what I found when I got to the top of the stairs (don't mind the mess in the hallway).......
Apparently Wyatt had gotten up from his nap and made it all the way into the hallway before realizing he was still tired and proceeded to finish his nap there. Matt and I just laughed and laughed as we stood over him sleeping. It just typifies Wyatt's sleep habits; whenever we wakes up, his eyes open wide and he thinks he needs to get up, regardless of how tired he may still be. This is most evident in the morning as he will often get up very early and then be exhausted by 11am. But this day, he just couldn't bring himself to get up quite precious! (And I am so glad that we only have one more week of overlapping activities!)
Posted by Sorefam at 3:10 PM 0 comments