I started this blog to have a record of the day-to-day things going on in our lives and lately, I seem to have just been recording the bigger 'events'. So in an attempt to remember some of the simpler things in life, I had to put this post on here. You won't see any pictures--just a few funny things my kids have said lately that crack me up (and that I'm sure I will forget if I don't write them down).
Thursday, October 29, 2009
No pictures here....
Posted by Sorefam at 3:24 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Diapers? Not in this house!
We are officially done with them.....well, at least for about 4 weeks until the newest Sorensen arrives. Yes, these means that for the first time in over 4 1/2 years, I am not changing diapers!!! Sadie is fully potty-trained and doing awesome! And I couldn't be more excited (can you tell?) At the recommendation of a friend, I used a website called www.pottytrainingbasics.com which guarantees to have your child potty trained in 72 hours and it worked! (A bit of a warning, however. If you are going to use this method--which costs $17--be prepared for a rough 72 hours. It's VERY intense. But it works!) I tend to be an all-or-nothing kind of person anyways, so this method worked great for us. And the greatest thing? Wyatt was SO proud of Sadie once she started to go on the potty and still gets so excited for her when she goes. He'll say, "Good job Sadie! Look mom, Sadie did it all by herself!" I love his enthusiasm for his sister's accomplishments. (I think he also felt like it was a battle he and I were fighting together, so the victory seems ours as well!)
Posted by Sorefam at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
In search of the perfect pumpkin....
Last weekend was the perfect weekend--relaxing, great weather, great friends, pumpkins, hay rides, apples....you get the picture. The recap of Saturday in pictures.....

Posted by Sorefam at 2:46 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
As I always say, early is on time....
I went in for an ultrasound last week to make sure this little one was no longer breech. Both Sadie and Wyatt turned head down quite late in my pregnancies, so I wasn't too worried. But the midwife I saw that day gave me some exercises to do throughout the week to make sure the baby turned. And I wish I had had Matt take a picture of me because I must have looked hilarious, based on my family's reactions. I can't do them anymore (as the baby could turn into the breech position again) but I leaned an ironing board against the couch and had to lay on it for 15 minutes, 3 times a day. After the first day, I found the kids doing the same thing and it did look hilarious! All this to say, the baby is no longer breech and ready for a natural delivery. And here is a little sneak peak at #3....
I'm hoping this baby decides to be the first of my children to make an early appearance into the world. At my ultrasound, he/she was measuring 6lbs, 8oz. which is the same size Sadie was at birth--and I still have over 4 weeks left! YIKES!! Based on the picture (which I personally just think looks like a chubby, squished baby) everyone is predicting this one to be a boy--and also based on the size. We'll just have to wait and see--but hopefully not too much longer!
Posted by Sorefam at 9:40 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Baking Cookies=Making Memories
Last week the kids and I made our traditional cut-out cookies. We usually just make them for Christmas, but I thought it would be fun to make some for fall---I say fall because I'm not a big Halloween person and try to downplay the 'holiday' as much as possible, but I do love the fall and Thanksgiving. Making cutout cookies is such a process, so we did the cutouts and baking during the day and waited until Matt got home to do the decorating.

Posted by Sorefam at 3:46 PM 1 comments
Speaking of weather...
I'm a few days behind in posting these, but as you can see on the pictures, the date was October 12, 2009 and yes, that is snow. We got lots of it (for October) and the kids were elated!! Wyatt wanted to play in it before school but I promised him we would play after he got home. And it was the first thing he asked about when I picked him up at preschool.....
Posted by Sorefam at 3:11 PM 0 comments
The promised pic...a bit late
So I promised I would post a picture of the landscaping once it was all done---and here it is....
Posted by Sorefam at 3:07 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
How Blessed Are We??

Posted by Sorefam at 10:05 PM 2 comments