Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What turning 2 looks like.....

The highly anticipated Tinkerbell cake

An older brother who had a really tough time just watching and learning to enjoy his sister's excitement

"It's HUGE"

Our little mommy was completely oblivious the rest of the evening to anything going on around her

(letting her baby talk to Papa on the phone)

I was so glad I got a picture of this---she was holding her baby up in the air and looking at the baby's eyes and saying, "Good job baby Maddy! What a big girl!" I have a video of it that I may try and post on here one of these days--so precious!

...the next day, sitting in the crib with her babies...

..and so proud when she got out on her own!!

Sadie's New Do

On Sadie's second birthday, Wyatt and I took her to get her first haircut. I had been contemplating cutting her hair for awhile and finally decided to do it. She doesn't have much hair to begin with, but it's all over the place and a bit unruly at the ends. So I crossed my fingers as the cut began.....


Of course Wyatt loved trying out the motorcycle while he waited!

The finished product...I was actually pleased!

Our little 'souvenir'

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Potty Time---not so much 'training'

About 2 weeks ago, Sadie started asking if she could go on the potty. She's always loved sitting on it and pretending to be like the 'big kids', but nothing ever came of it-until just a few weeks ago. She insisted that she had to go potty, so I sat her on our little potty that I had resurrected out of the basement and she actually went! I was so excited and Wyatt loved being able to give her a 'treat'. But I just thought it was a coincidence--and I also wasn't prepared for it as I had no underwear for her to wear. But in that same day, she asked to go two more times and successfully went both #1 and #2 on the potty! Could potty training really be this much easier with a girl?
I felt so bad and decided we had to go to the store and get some underwear for her. The following morning she woke up dry and went potty on the big potty again! So I put her new underwear on her and of course she had an accident! Isn't that just how it works? She's been quite sporatic ever since then and I haven't pushed it. I'm still liking the convenience of diapers and would rather wait until it's warm outside and we can spend our time outside and have less accidents in the house! But we'll just see. I have taken a few pictures of her 'potty experiences' because it is so funny---she has such a big personality, even when going to the bathroom--as you'll see!
(Note: She likes to have the little potty in her room so she can easily access her books, dolls, etc)

...just checking...

More updates to come....

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Sadie Joan!!

It's hard to believe that two years ago today little Miss Sadie Joan finally entered the world. She was weeks overdue and was measuring small for about the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy. I really didn't want to be induced, so my doctor had me come in every 3-4 days for ultrasounds just to ensure that the baby was doing okay. And every time we went in she was doing great---just a bit small (which I have to say, I was actually thankful for since Wyatt was 8lbs 7oz). But on March 20th, I went in to have an ultrasound and my amniotic fluid levels had dropped below normal and the doctors told us we really should be induced. So the next morning, we headed to the hospital and had quite the experience. They started me on petocin and for the next 2 hours, Matt and I just sat there reading the paper and watching TV. I was having contractions but not feeling anything. Then at about 10am I started to feel the contractions and a very quick couple of hours later Sadie was born. She waited so long to come into this world but once she was on her way, she came quickly. And was she tiny--and least compared to what I was used to--6lbs, 12oz. But what joy she brought us immediately and it hasn't left out household since that day. She is such a happy child who makes us all laugh on a daily basis. She is VERY independent and very girly! Ladies, watch your purses if she is in the same room---she has a 'purse' radar and can find one anywhere! Same goes for any form of chapstick/lipstick!
Sadie is such a precious gift to our family and we are so thankful for her!

I love this picture because it shows just how tiny she was----that's Matt's hand holding her little head in between his fingers!

I had to put this picture on here because it shows her personality so well. This was taken last year, so she was probably about 15 mos. old. We were with a large group of moms and kids visiting the fire station in La Crosse and Sadie wanted to see what the firemen were talking about, so she just walked right in to the middle of the circle to check it out for herself. She wasn't intimidated at all and couldn't have cared less that everyone was watching her......and nothing has changed since that day!

..waking from a nap this summer....always wakes up with hair all over the place and a big smile on her face!

...again, little miss independent, always on a mission..

Happy Birthday Sadie!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

BathTub Fun

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Great Day

Before I forget, I wanted to write a post about what a great birthday I had yesterday. Truly, it was one of the best I have had in awhile. A few of the highlights from my day, in no particular order:

*getting to go out to lunch with a dear friend (with no kids) at a wonderful little french bakery

*my gift from Matt and the kids--getting my hair cut/colored=pampering and time alone

*sunshine, breezy, and 78 degrees! (never has this happened in my entire life growing up in Wisconsin. As one of my friends reminded me, I had several birthday parties cancelled as a kid sue to blizzards!)

*dinner out with Matt, Wyatt and Sadie--my three favorite people

*meeting Green Bay Packer Linebacker AJ Hawk at dinner and getting to talk about how I was born and lived in Green Bay and am a HUGE Packers fan (He went to Ohio State and was in town visiting his grandparents with his wife, Laura, who happens to be Brady Quinn's sister)

*getting over 10 phone calls, 10 texts, and 60 wall posts on facebook wishing me Happy Birthday--you all know how to make a girl feel loved!

*a relaxing evening with my husband once the kids were in bed

I really couldn't have asked for a better day! And here's to a great last year in my twenties--it's proving to be the best year so far, but I'm only one day in!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sades being Sades

A few recent pictures of Sadie being Sadie.....she is such a happy girl and brings an immediate smile to all our faces. The tone of voice she uses is so sweet than even in stores, people will look at her and just smile when they hear her talking. And as you can see from the pictures, she is quite independent and like to do things on her own.

..showing off her freshly painted fingernails..

.....painting her toenails...
..working on those fingernails again..

....taking a nap with her babydolls...

..and I'm not sure what they were doing here...napping under Wyatt's bed? Hiding?