Wyatt is a thinker. He thinks intensely about things and asks a million questions--and just any answer will not do. He knows if we're not 'fully' answering his question or if the answer doesn't make sense. So he's been very interested in weddings lately, as he and Sadie are going to be in my sister's wedding in September. Last night in the car, we had a conversation that went something like this:
Wyatt: "Mom, Sadie is my wife"
Me: "No honey. Sadie is your sister. She's not your wife."
Wyatt: "Well, then I'll just call her my wife."
Me: "Wyatt, Sadie can't be your wife. She's your sister and she'll always be your sister. Someday when you grow up and meet a girl that you love, she will be your wife. You get to pick your wife."
Wyatt: "I get to pick my wife?"
Me: "Yes, you get to pick who will be your wife and you will live with her."
Wyatt: "Mommy, will you be my wife?" (This just melted my heart and I had to try and hide my excitement at the idea that he wanted me to be his wife.)
Me: "Wyatt, I can't be your wife. Whose wife am I?"
Wyatt: "You're Daddy's wife."
Me: "Yes, and you can only have one wife. So I will only be Daddy's wife."
Wyatt: "Well then I guess I'll just be the ringbearer for now."
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wyatt's upcoming job
Posted by Sorefam at 2:25 PM 5 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saying Goodbye
Saying goodbye is never easy, but when you know you'll never seem someone again this side of heaven, it's something you just can't prepare for. Matt's Grandma Sorensen passed away unexpectedly on Thursday, February 5th, 2009 and we got the call from Matt's parents the following morning. You know this day will come, but you never expect it and certainly can't be prepared for how it will affect you.
We drove up to their house in Pennsylvania on Sunday for the funeral. And although the reason we were all coming up to Scandia wasn't a good one, it was so great to be with the entire family. It was actually the first time everyone had been together for about 12 years--and the first time I had met some of Matt's cousins. The weekend was full of mixed emotions--it was so fun to be together and hang out at Gram and Gramp's but so sad that Gram couldn't be there with all of us to enjoy it. She was an amazing woman who loved Jesus more than anything. She devoted her life to Him and to bringing His message to those around her. She was married for almost 62 years to Matt's Grandpa, raised 4 amazing children, taught Sunday School at church for over 60 years and even taught the Sunday before she passed away. She had a generous heart that overflowed with the love of Christ. She will be terribly missed here. But we know that she is where we all desire to be--with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And she's with many friends and family members who have already gone to be with Him.
I wanted to put some pictures on here, both of our weekend in Pennsylvania and also some from Gram's life. She was a precious woman that we are missing daily.

Although this isn't a great picture, I am so glad I have it. Before she passed away, Gram had bought this doll and cradle to give to Sadie. When we got to the house, Gramp gave it to her and Sadie loved it. She carries that doll around with her and loves the cradle--her first! It was so special yet so difficult. Gramp saw how much Sadie loved it and it just broke his heart to know that Gram wasn't there to see the joy in her eyes. And it still breaks my heart that Gram wasn't able to give it to Sadie. It will be forever cherished!

Gram and Gramp's house is on some of the most beautiful land. They live up in the Allegheny National Forest on many acres of woods, open fields, ponds, etc. So we had a great time being outside on the pond Gramp made playing broomball. We laughed so hard and had so much fun!

Wyatt's response was, "Well I want to go see Jesus now." And it just reminded us of how true this is. We talk about how much Jesus means to us all the time and Wyatt is always asking about getting to see Him, so it shouldn't be a surprise to me that Wyatt immediately recognized that Gram is where we'd all like to be. As my father-in-law reminded us all at the funeral, we are spiritual beings with earthly bodies. This life on earth is a small section of our eternal life. And when we focus on this, it does help to remember where Gram is and that we know we will one day be with her again. What a joyful day that will be!
Posted by Sorefam at 2:38 PM 3 comments
Saturday, February 7, 2009
What turning 4 looks like....
On Sunday we celebrated Wyatt's birthday. He didn't really understand why we went to church on his birthday, but once we got home to have our little 'party' he was pretty much over it. And thankfully he doesn't have older siblings or friends at school to talk about a party, because we didn't have one this year. In the past we've just always had family over, but this year it was just the four of us--and it seemed enough for him. As you can see from the pics, he had a great day!

...notice how he ate all the icing first....actually, he only at the icing and then asked for another piece! He didn't end up eating any actual cake!

Finally time to open the presents. We started getting packages/cards about a week before his birthday, so it was great because they just sat in a pile for several days in anticipation of the big day......notice he already has on the 'hockey pants' (as he calls them) that he got from Nani, Pops, and Mary Jo

He wanted to take a picture with his new hockey sweatshirt, gloves, and of course with his skates and stick!

I included this last picture to show how serious he is about his gloves. This was later in the evening when we were watching the Super Bowl and having some more cake. He kept his gloves on all day and took them off, just like the players do to eat his cake--so serious!

Posted by Sorefam at 1:57 PM 1 comments