SNOW!! Our first 'real' snow fall (as I would call it) didn't come until the end of January and we couldn't have been more ready. Thankfully we will be moving back up north where there is ample snow, so this will be our only year of wishing for more.
Everything in Columbus was shut down on Wednesday due to the snow/ice (except for Matt's work, of course!) I looked outside and saw about 2-3 inches of snow and pretty much laughed that people were freaking out about the 'winter weather', but figured we'd enjoy the day as if it were a foot of snow!
We started the day by making pancakes for breakfast. Wyatt helped make the batter and Sadie did her fair share of eating! They loved it and thought it was so great that we didn't have anywhere to go (maybe a sign that we need to stay home a bit more?) They were very anxious to get all their snow gear on and head outside.
I love this picture--Wyatt was trying to show Sadie how to smile for the picture and Sadie was practicing for him. I think she felt a bit restrained in all the snow gear!
Sadie thought it was hilarious that she could just fall into the snow and not get hurt or wet, so she kept doing it over and over!
Sadie discovered all on her own that you can eat snow and she did this for about 15 minutes, until I heard the "It's cold Mommy!" as her face was bright red due to the melted snow on her face!
Okay, so after laughing at Ohioans for shutting down the city due to a few measly inches of snow, we quickly discovered the inch and a half of ice under the snow. I have never experienced ice like this and couldn't get over it! I spent so much time trying to break up ice--it was ridiculous!
Here you can see the amount of ice on the sidewalk--I had already shoveled the snow and was breaking up the ice
Once I saw how thick the ice was everywhere, I turned the car on for about 30 minutes with the defrost on full tilt. When I finally went to get the ice off, it came off in huge chunks and Wyatt loved collecting them. He wanted me to take a picture of them to show Daddy.
It was a really fun day and as I told a friend of mine, these are the days you live for as a stay-at-home mom. These are the special days that I want to be able to experience with my children and hopefully make memories with them. We had such fun times as we could do whatever they wanted to do and there was no place we had to be! I'm convinced God designs days like this to make sure we all slow down every once in awhile to truly enjoy his creation--both in nature and in those that we love. It was a near perfect day---we just missed having Matt with us as he would have loved it just as much as we did! But I have no doubts that we will have many more snow days in Minnesota!