For days prior to her arrival, Wyatt and Sadie were saying, "Auntie Cam, Auntie Cam". And last Thursday, she finally arrived. The kids ran through the airport and were so excited to see her and we had a great time while she was here. Of course, she came bearing gifts for the kids and Wyatt immediately said, "Cammie, what did you bring me?" We'll have to work on that one--and also work on the amount of candy and gum Wyatt was allowed to have while Auntie Cam was here.
Cammie and Wyatt watching the trains outside Easton Mall

Out for lunch in all our Wisconsin gear!!

Do you think they were having fun?

Sadie can find a wallet in a haystack--she's like a magnet to wallets!! And she meticulously takes
each item out and examines it.

Cammie, you look just as excited as Sadie!!

Sadie found a chair just her size to watch football!

After church on sunday, Matt had to go into his office and do some work, so Cammie and the kids and I went to this beautiful old farmland to hang out and take some pictures. I discovered it just last week when Sadie had her 18mos. checkup and I had packed a lunch since I knew the kids would be hungry afterwards. I had been driving around looking for a park and stumbled across this beautiful old barn, farmhouse, pond, and surrounding buildings. It looks like it's been restored quite a bit and is probably used for weddings and receptions, but I was thrilled to be able to go back and try and take some pictures. Of course, whenever I plan on taking pictures, the opportunities don't present themselves and this day was no different. The kids were getting tired and hungry, so I'm sure we will be returning soon. But we had a great time showing Cammie around and spending a few more hours with her before she had to leave.

Sadie has taken after Wyatt with the cheesy smile! And the poor girl had a few mosquito bites including one right on the end of her nose--notice the redness!

Wyatt trying to get Sadie to just wasn't going to happen.

Cam tried to help me get some pictures and told the kids that somebody was inside the house. When that didn't spark their interest, she told them that maybe Papa was in there. So for the next several minutes, Sadie kept looking towards the door saying, "Papa? Papa?"

This picture turned out since you can't see anyones faces! By this point everyone was hungry and tired and ready to go.

We had such a great time having Cammie here and a long weekend just wasn't enough. Wyatt woke up from his nap on Sunday and asked, "Where is Cammie?" And even after explaining that she had gone home to Wisconsin in the airplane, we got the same questions Monday morning when they woke up and wanted to go wakeup Auntie Cam. We loved having her here and can't wait for her to come back.