Monday, September 24, 2007
No One Told Me About This.......
Posted by Sorefam at 3:02 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Summer Recap Vol. IV--The Last One
We ended our summer with a trip back to Des Moines, IA were we spent our time as a newly married couple and Matt continued in school. We have some GREAT friends in Des Moines and love going back to visit everyone. No matter how much time has passed between visits, we all seem to pick up right where we left off. And Matt and I were talking on the way home about how great it is to know that all our friends in Des Moines are still the same! We just love it. However, it seems like each time we come back there are more little ones running around! When we left Des Moines, all of our good friends and Matt and I had just had our first child--all of us within just weeks of each other! And of course, two years later, the second editions have arrived!
Posted by Sorefam at 4:43 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Summer Recap Vol. III
We started August off with a trip up to Stormy Lake (in northern Wisconsin). Matt's family has been going to Stormy Lake ever since his mom was a little girl and they usually spend a week or two up there. However, this year Matt's parents bought a place up at Stormy Lake and the family couldn't be happier that we can all go up whenever we want!! Much of the summer was spent doing work around the cottage, but we all planned to go up the first weekend in August to celebrate Matt's parents' 35th wedding anniversary. We had a great time with Matt's parents and siblings (Cammie, Kyle, Tyler, and Mollie). The weather was perfect and we had a great time skiing, laying out, eating, and celebrating Matt's parents.
The purpose of the weekend was to celebrate Matt's parents' 35th wedding anniversary. And hopefully they enjoyed the weekend as much as we did. Obviously Matt and his siblings are all here because of their great marriage and as Matt's wife, I, too, am so thankful for their relationship. They have a great marriage and are a wonderful example to all of us kids of what a Godly marriage looks like. Matt is a wonderful husband and I know he learned much of what he knows from watching his father be a wonderful husband to his mother. We love you guys and are so thankful for the legacy you have left and will continue to leave.

We went out for dinner on Saturday night to celebrate their anniversary. It was a great time as we don't have the entire family together all that often other than holidays.
Grammy and Papa got Wyatt his very own wetsuit and he thought it was pretty cool...just like Uncle Ty and Dad
Making smores around the campfire with Dad
Matt skiing..Wyatt was pretty amazed to see this and has been pretending to be waterskiing ever since we got home. He puts on a pair of Matt's shoes (since they are so big on him) and leans backwards while holding onto a belt hanging in the closet and pretends to be a skier. Then he falls and says, "Skier down!" So excited to say "good job" to Daddy.
One of my favorite pics of Matt and Sadie...
Aren't these t-shirts the cutest? My sis-in-law Cammie got them for the kids in Chicago at the T-Shirt Deli and they are adorable. They came in a white paper bag with a check stapled to the top, complete with a bag of potato chips inside and the t-shirts wrapped up like subs.
Posted by Sorefam at 2:39 PM 0 comments
Summer Recap Vol. II

Posted by Sorefam at 2:24 PM 1 comments
Summer Recap Vol. I
We started our summer on Memorial Day weekend with a much overdue trip out to Pennsylvania to see Matt's grandparents. Matt hadn't been out to their place in 10 years and I had only been once (when I went with Wyatt and my in-laws last year). Our plan was to drive, but at the last minute we bought flights since the gas prices had jumped so high and it ended up costing us almost the same amount. And it's a good thing we flew, too, because it was so much easier with an 8 week old and a 2-year old. We had a great time and can't wait to get back. They live on lots of acres of wooded land up in the mountains and it's just beautiful!
I had to have the woman in front of us take this picture b/c it was just too priceless. We were on a tiny plane for our flight from Detroit to Erie, PA and the air conditioning was broken. To top it off, we had been travelling all day, Wyatt hadn't gotten a nap yet, and we had to sit on the runway for an hour (in the 100+ degree plane) waiting for something on the plane to be fixed! But the kids did remarkably great and as soon as the plane took off, everyone was out!
Gram and Gramp Sorensen have so many fun things to do.....3-wheelers, tractors, ponds, woods, etc. Matt's Aunt and Uncle Doug and Kris also came out while we were there and it was great to spend time with more family. Sadie was loving all the attention from Gram and Gramp!
This is a pond that Matt's grandpa made on his own! Amazing, isn't it? It looks out over the mountains and we were even able to go fishing in it! Matt and Wyatt spent a lot of time here.
It was such a blessing to get to spend time with Matt's grandparents and our time went much too quickly. We are hoping to make our trip to PA an annual event. Hopefully we can see more of the cousins and aunts and uncles when we come out next!
Posted by Sorefam at 2:10 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 10, 2007
Here Goes.....
I have been wanting to start a blog for awhile and I am finally doing it. This life with 2 little ones is a bit crazier than I had anticipated and I no longer have much time to talk on the phone or email all of you individually. Several of my friends have blogs and it's been a great way to stay in touch and feel like I am still connected to many of you, although it is a bit odd to talk to someone you haven't talked to in a year and yet know what they did yesterday. But the internet world is moving ahead full speed and so is my I'm jumping on the blog bandwagon and we'll see how it goes. I have lots I'd like to get on here, so bear with me in the early stages of this learning curve.
Posted by Sorefam at 2:31 PM 4 comments